Persistent secretion of IL-18 in the skin contributes to IgE response in mice
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-05-01
坂本 博康
Graduate School Of Material Science University Of Hyogo
Nakanishi Kenji
Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University
Department of Immunology and Medical Zoology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Department of Immunology and Medical Zoology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Mizutani Hitoshi
Department Of Dermatology Mie University Graduate School Of Medicine
Mori Hitoshi
Department Of Dermatology Mie University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Immunology and Medical Zoology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Inoue M
Department Of Physics Kagoshima University
Mizutani Hitoshi
Department Of Dermatology Faculty Of Medicine Mie University
Mizutani Hitoshi
Department Of Dermatology Mie University School Of Medicine
Second Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Tsutsui Hiroko
Department Of Microbiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Tsutsui Hiroko
Department Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yumikura Futatsugi
Department Of Immunology & Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Nakano Hiroki
Department Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yasuda Koubun
Department Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Department of Immunology & Medical Zoology, Hyogo College of Medicine
MATSUI Kiyoshi
Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
Department of Dermatology, Mie University School of Medicine
Terada Makoto
Department Of Immunology & Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yamamura Takehira
Second Department Of Surgery Hyogo College Of Medicine
Mizutani Hideki
Department Of Dermatology Mie University School Of Medicine
Nakanishi Kenji
Department Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Matsui Kiyoshi
Department Of Internal Medicine Hyogo College Of Medicine
Mizutani H
Department Of Dermatology Mie University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yamanaka Kei-ichi
Department Of Dermatology Mie University Faculty Of Medicine
Nakanishi Kenji
Department Of Immunology & Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Terada Makoto
Department Of Allergology Hyogo Prefectural Tsukaguchi Hospital
Nakano Hiroki
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Mizutani Hitoshi
Department Of Anesthesiology Surugadai Nihon University Hospital
Nakanishi Kenji
Depardtment Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yamanaka Keiichi
Department Of Dermatology Mie University Faculty Of Medicine
Yasuda Koubun
Department Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Institute For Advanced Medical Sciences Hyogo College O
Department of Dermatology, Mie University, Graduate School of Medicine
MATSUI Kiyoshi
Department of General Medicine, Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
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