Evaluation of a tooth bleaching system incorporating titanium dioxide : Influence of the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and titanium dioxide on bleaching effect
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We evalvated how increases in the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and a titanium dioxide catalyst influenced the efficacy of the TiON in Office bleaching system (TiON; GC, Tokyo, Japan). Bovine teeth were immersed for 7 days in a pigmentation liquid produced by boiling black tea to discolor the specimens. Before bleaching treatment, the discolored specimens was measured using a colorimeter. Bleaching treatment was then done using the TiON in Office system. The color was measured again after the bleaching, and then every 7 days for three more times. This was the control group. In addition, the bleaching agent of the Tion gel was mixed with an equal volume of 35% hydrogen peroxide, and bleaching was performed in the same way as for the controls (H_2O_2-added group). Using an experimentally produced reactor in which the volume of the titanium dioxide V-CAT contained in the reactor was doubled, bleaching was performed using the mixed gel of TiON in the same way as for the controls (TiO_2-added group). Measurements were converted to CIE L^*a^*b^* using color analysis software. We then calculated ΔE^*ab, which represents color differences before and after bleaching, the four color differences before and after each bleaching treatment, and color changes between the first measurement before bleaching and fourth measurement after bleaching. Measurements were tested using one-way layout analysis of variance and Tukey's test (p<0.01). Changes in the color difference value ΔE^*ab before and after treatment were significantly greater after the first treatment under each condition. Although changes in the value were less than 6.0 after the second, third, and fourth treatments in the controls, changes in the value were greater than 6.0 up to the second treatment in the H_2O_2- and TiO_2- added groups.
- 大阪歯科学会の論文
Department of Operative Dentistry, Osaka Dental University
Tanimoto Hiroaki
Department Of Operative Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Yoshikawa Kazushi
Department Of Operative Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Inoue Chihiro
Graduate School Of Environmental Studies Tohoku University
Hattori Yasunao
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Medicinal Science Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicin
Iwata Naohiro
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Meisei University, 2-1-1 Hodokubo, Hino, Tokyo 191-8506, Japan
Yamamoto Kazuyo
Department of Hematology, Shinko Hospital, Japan
Lu Ling
Graduate School of Dentistry (Operative Dentistry), Osaka Dental University
Komatsu Obito
Graduate School of Dentistry (Operative Dentistry), Osaka Dental University
Hirota Yohei
Graduate School of Dentistry (Operative Dentistry), Osaka Dental University
Yasuo Kenzo
Department of Operative Dentistry, Osaka Dental University
Wu Buling
College of Stomatology (Endodontics), Southern Medical University
Inoue Chihiro
Graduate School of Dentistry (Orthdontics), Osaka Dental University
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