Nonperturbative Analysis of Chaos Synchronization in Coupled Logistic Maps
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Physical Society of Japanの論文
- 2001-11-15
INOUE Masayoshi
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
井上 政義
Nishi Yutaka
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Nishi Yutaka
Department Of Physics Kagoshima University
Department of Physics, Kagoshima University
Setoyama Ayumi
Department Of Physics Kagoshima University
Inoue Masayoshi
Department Of General Thoracic Surgery (l5) Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
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- "Thermodynamics", Temporal Correlations and Scaling Laws : Complex Dynamics in Nonlinear Systems
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- Characterization of Statistically Homogeneous Fluctuations : Fluctuation Spectrum and Spatial Correlation : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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- Theory of Diffusion and Intermittency in Chaotic Systems.II : Physical Picture for Non-Perturbative Non-Diffusive Motion : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- 1p-N-14 あるゲーム力学系の振る舞い(1pN 統計力学・物性基礎論(生物・進化のモデル),統計力学・物性基礎論)