Synchronized States in Asymmetric Coupled Map Systems : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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The synchronized states for two kinds of asymmetric N-map coupled system (N=2, 3, 4) are investigated with a linear stability theory. In each case, the boundary of the stability region in the coupling-parameter space is expressed by a linear or a quadratic equation. Global bifurcation structures for these systems are also studied.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1992-01-25
HATA Hiroki
Department of Physics, Kyushu University
Fujisaka Hirokazu
Department Of Applied Analysis And Complex Dynamical Systems Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Un
Inoue Masayoshi
Department Of General Thoracic Surgery (l5) Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hata Hiroki
Department Of Clinical Pharmacy Oita University Hospital
Hata Hiroki
Department Of Physics Kagoshima University
ANAI Hirokazu
International Institute for Advanced Study of Social Information Science Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
藤坂 博
Department Of Applied Analysis And Complex Dynamical Systems Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Un
Inoue Masayoshi
Department Of Agriculture Kyoto Prefectural University
HATA Hiroki
Department of Physics, Kagoshima University
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