Amplitude Equation of Higher-Dimensional Nikolaevskii Turbulence
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The scaling structure of higher-dimensional Nikolaevskii turbulence described by φ(γ, t) = -∇^2 [{ε - (∇^2 + κ^2_0)^2}φ] + (∇φ)^2 is investigated for small ε (> 0). This is done by extending the Matthews-Cox scaling in a one-dimenional system to higher dimensions. By deriving the amplitude equation for small ε in higher dimensions and carrying out the numerical integration of their amplitude equations for a two-dimensional system, it is shown that the same scaling structure found in the one-dimensional case exists also in two dimensions.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2003-06-25
山田 知司
Department of Physics,Kyushu University
藤坂 博一
Yamada Tomoji
Division Of Electronic Physics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Department of Applied Analysis and Complex Dynamical Systems, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto
Honkawa Tomoaki
Department Of Applied Analysis And Complex Dynamical Systems Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Un
Fujisaka Hirokazu
Department Of Applied Analysis And Complex Dynamical Systems Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Un
YAMADA Tai-ichi
Department of Applied Mathematics, Osaka University
Yamada Tomoji
Division Of Electronic Physics Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Department of Applied Analysis and Complex Dynamical Systems, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
Department of Physics, Kyushu Institite of Technology
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