ΛN and ΛΛ Interactions in an OBE Model and Hypernuclei
- 論文の詳細を見る
NN-OBEP due to Ueda, Riewe and Green is extended to ΛN and ΛΛsystems in the framework of the nonet mesons and SU(3) invariance. The date for Λp cross sections, hypertriton and the ΛΛ separation energies of ^6_<ΛΛ>He, ^<10>_<ΛΛ>Be, and ^<13>_<ΛΛ>B are reasonably reproduced. No bound state exists for the ΛΛ system. The ΛΛ total cross section is predicted.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1998-05-25
宮川 和也
UEDA Tamotsu
Faculty of Science, Ehime University
山田 知司
Ueda Tamotsu
Department Of Physics Ehime University
Ueda Tamotsu
Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Ueda Tamotsu
Faculty Of Science Ehime University
Miyagawa Kazuya
Faculty Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Okayama University Of Science
YAMADA Taiichi
Laboratory of Physics, Kanto Gakuin University
Faculty of Science, Ehime University
Faculty of Science, Ehime University
KIJIMA Norikazu
Faculty of Science, Ehime University
Faculty of Science, Ehime University
Okamoto Daiju
Faculty Of Science Ehime University
Yamada Taiichi
Laboratory Of Physics Kanto Gakuin University
Tominaga K
Faculty Of Science Ehime University:(present) Rcnp Osaka University
Kijima Norikazu
Faculty Of Science Ehime University
山村 寿彦/宮川
Miyagawa Kazuya
Faculty Of Science Okayama University Of Science
Yamaguchi M
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Yamaguchi Masahiro
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagasaki University
YAMADA Tai-ichi
Department of Applied Mathematics, Osaka University
Department of Physics, Kyushu Institite of Technology
Faculty of Science, Ehime University:(Present) RCNP, Osaka University
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- 5a-G-12 OBE模型によるYN及びYY相互作用とハイパー核
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- Neutron-Proton Phase Shifts between 500 and 1090 MeV
- On the np→d(ππ)^0 Reaction at P_L=1.46 and 1.9 GeV/c
- Redundant Components in the 3α Faddeev Equation Using the 2α RGM Kernel
- Three-Cluster Equation Using the Two-Cluster RGM Kernel
- ΞΝ and ΞΞ OBEP and Ξ^--Nucleus Bound States
- ΛN and ΛΛ Interactions in an OBE Model and Hypernuclei
- A Unified Model of the One-Boson- and Reggeon-Exchange Mechanism in N-N and N-N^^- Interaction
- The πd Decay of the ^3F_3 Diproton in the Faddeev πNN Dynamics
- Faddeev Approach to the ^3F_3 Diproton in πNN Dynamics
- High-Energy Proton-Proton Scattering : Absorption Effect and One-Boson-Exchange Contribution
- Elastic and Inelastic Diffraction and Two-Component Overlap Function
- The Narrow Width ηNN - πNN Quasi-Bound State Appearing in np→np and np→ηd Processes : Nuclear Physics
- Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering at 200-1200 MeV in πNN Dynamics
- 高校生からの問いかけに応える(「物理教育は今」ある高校生からの問いかけ)
- K^0 photoproduction on the deuteron
- 31pSC-6 γ+d→K^++Λ(Σ)+N 反応における断面積、偏極量の終状態運動学的条件に対する依存性。
- 31pSC-3 愛媛ラムダ・核子-シグマ・核子OBEP
- 30p-YG-11 Hyperon Nucleon Interaction in Kaon Photoproduction from deuteron
- 30p-YG-5 OBE模型におけるΛN-ΣN Channel Couplingの効果
- 高エネルギーγ線によるハイペロン生成過程の断面積,偏極量
- 4p-G-4 YN相互作用とHypertriton
- 30a-E-4 OBE模型によるYN及びYY相互作用とハイパー原子核
- 30a-E-3 ΛN-ΣN相互作用によるt行列の特異点
- 23a-B-5 NijmegenソフトおよびハードコアポテンシャルによるT行列の極構造
- バリオン-バリオン相互作用とS行列の特異点
- Mechanism of NNΔ and NΔΔ Resonances and Its Evidence in pd →^3He π^0 Reaction
- Phenomebnological Analysis of Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering at About 6 GeV
- N^^-N Bound and Scattering States Due to the Quark-Rearrangement Annihilation and the One-Boson Exchange : Nuclear Physics
- A Relativistic Effect of Deuteron on the Photon Circular Polarization in np→dγ Process
- Three-Nucleon-Potential and Triton Binding Energy
- A Four-? Bound State
- 30a-SB-8 三体散乱のCDCC解の漸近的発散とその意義
- Three-Body Equations and the Moller Operator Approach : Nuclear Physics
- On the Difficulties of a Single Three-Body Lippmann-Schwinger Equation : Nuclear Physics
- Non-Compactness of the Kernel of a 3-Body Lippmann-Schwinger Equation in the Absence of Rearrangement Channels : Nuclear Physics
- On the Triad of Three-Body Lippmann-Schwinger Equations : Nuclear Physics
- Angular-Momentum Analysis of the Two-Particle Rearrangement Mechanism in the System of Four Spinless-Particles and ζ Particle as a Four-Pion Resonance : Particles and Fields
- 高エネルギーγ線による重陽子からのハイペロン生成過程
- 23a-B-4 OBE模型によるYN及びYY相互作用とハイパー原子核
- 28a-YN-10 OBEP模型によるYN及びYY相互作用とハイパー原子核
- Coupled ΛNN-ΣNN system and YN interactions (ハイペロン-核子相互作用とその関連する話題)
- 8a-F-4 OBEP模型によるΛΝ及びΛΛ相互作用
- 8a-E-11 ハイペロン-核子off-shellt行列のエネルギー依存性
- 6p-E-9 ΛΛΝ-ΞΝΝ結合系の反対称化について
- 29a-SE-2 ΛN-OBE模型によるΛN散乱とHyper-triton
- コメント : 少数粒子系における核反応 : Faddeev型の反応模型の現状と今後の展望(基研研究会『90年代に向けての核物理の展望』,研究会報告)
- 多重クラスター結合模型によるd-α散乱の解析(軽い核の構造と反応の理論的研究,研究会報告)
- Two-Meson Decays from Proton-Antiproton System in Flight and at Rest
- Quark-Model Baryon-Baryon Interaction and Its Applications to Hypernuclei(Proceedings of the 18th Nishinomiya Yukawa Memorial Symposium)
- The Reaction pp→pnπ^+ at 800 MeV in πNN Dynamics
- N^^-N, πN^^-N and ππN^^-N Bound States by NN Potentials
- Antinucleon-Nucleon Potentials for Bound and Scattering States
- Contribution of Dibaryons as πNN Cluster to π-α Scattering at 75〜260 Mev
- 15aRF-4 クオーク模型NN相互作用による3核子系の束縛状態(バリオン間相互作用,ハイパー核,少数系,理論核物理)