Inoue Masataka | Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Inoue Masataka
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Nakano Hiroki
Department Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
坂本 博康
Graduate School Of Material Science University Of Hyogo
Inoue Masayoshi
Department Of Operative Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Inoue Masataka
Department Of Operative Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Inoue M
Department Of Physics Kagoshima University
沼口 寛治
Faculty Of Agriculture Miyazaki University
坂本 博康
沼口 寛次
石井 康之
宮崎大 農
- マカリカリグラスの越冬株系統間における越冬性と植物体諸形質との関連性
- マカリカリグラス (Panicum coloratum L. var. makarikariense) の水ストレス下における生長と茎基部のデンプン粒径の頻度分布との相関関係.
- 5-9 雑草ハマスゲ (Cyperus rotundus L.) 塊茎の土中分布と萌芽に関する研究
- 林内放牧地における牛の行動, 植生ならびに衛生環境
- Long-term bonding durability of four dentin adhesive systems
- Effect that air thinning of bonding resin has on the bond strength in three self-etching primer adhesive systems
- Effect of APF Solution on The Surface Characteristics of Dentin
- Study on Irradiation of Wavelength-modified CO_2 Laser for Tissue Engnieering : Cutting Efficiency of Human Dentin
- Effects of Surface Wetness of Etched Dentin on Bonding Durability of a Total-etch Adhesive System : Comparison of Conventional and Dumbbell-shaped Specimens
- Microleakage of three self-etching primer adhesive systems