唾液腺ホルモンのSubunitに関する生理化学的研究 (その2)
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It had been reported by authors that salivary gland hormone, parotin, was composed with subunit (parotin-subunit) which showed molecular weight of 45,000, and that parotin-subunit had rabbit serum calcium decreasing activity and the cross reactivity with rabbit anti parotin serum. In the present report, in order to study physiological chemistry of parotin-subunit, the influence of parotin-subunit on serum Ca and <SUP>45</SUP>Ca levels relating to calcium metabolism, the distribution of <SUP>131</SUP>I-parotin-subunit, the effect of parotin-subunit on adenyl cyclase-cyclicAMP system, the anabolic action, C-terminal amino acid sequence and sugar component of parotin-subunit were investigated. The results are summarized as follows : <BR>1) The decrease of rabbit serum Ca after injection of parotin-subunit was related to change of Ca in stable bone, but not to inhibition of bone resorption.<BR>2) A high concentrated localization of radioactivity of 131I-parotin-subunit was found in liver, kidney and spleen, and as much as 60% of administrated radioactivity was localized in liver at 5 min after the injection. The retention of radioactivity was found in testis, seminal vesicle, prostate, parotid gland and submaxillary gland.<BR>3) Cyclic AMP level increased significantly in metaphysial bone, submaxillary gland and plasma after administration of parotin-subunit but in other organs with localized much radioactivities, the level did not changed. Parotin-subunit activated adenyl cyclase of particular fraction of metaphysial bone.<BR>4) The C-terminal amino acid of parotin-subunit was Leu, and its C-terminal amino acid sequence was -Val-Ser-Ala-Thr- Leu-OH by digestion of carboxypeptidase A.<BR>5) Parotin-subunit included 3. 3% of sugar which consisted of amino sugar and uronic acid.
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