On the Importance of Detecting Sites Failures in Mobile Computing Systems
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In a former technical report [CT95] we focused on the advantages of using representation agents located on the wired network for managing different problems related to mobile communications such as task delegation, asynchronism or data filtering. Task delegation is useful if we consider that two major mobile computing drawbacks are low computing power and low energy autonomy. It is then interesting to send a task to a host located on the wired net-work. The task can be performed in a more powerful way and besides the mobile device can either compute other simpler tasks or even switch to a less power consumer mode. As most of the time the mobile unit is disconnected, asynchronism must also be taken into consideration [GC94]. Having a representation agent on the wired network is a good solution. The mobile just has to warn the network of its disconnection so that its silence is not interpreted as a failure. At last as the agent knows the hardware used by the mobile unit, it can adapt the data sent accordingly. These agents are located on acceptor sites that can be called via Internet for instance. Due to agents specificities and acceptor sites role, we will underline in this paper, some requirements so as to make this system fault-tolerant.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-03-11
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- On the Importance of Detecting Sites Failures in Mobile Computing Systems
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