Enzymatic Synthesis of Oligosaccharide Containing Le^x Unit by Using Partially Purified Chicken Serum(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
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Animal sera were screened for an alternative enzyme source of α1,3-fucosyltransferase, and the highest activity was observed in chicken serum. A partially purified enzyme fraction almost devoid of coexisting glycosidases was prepared from the chicken serum, and used for the fucosylation of LacNAc compounds. The enzyme reaction was efficient enough to allow the one-pot preparation of designed Le^x compounds such as LNFP III.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2002-03-23
Usui T
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
Usui Taichi
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
村田 健吾
Murata Takeomi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
Murata Takeomi
Department Of Applied Biological Cemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
Murata Takeomi
Department Of Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
Shimizu Kaoru
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Educationm Gifu University
Shimizu Kaoru
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
Usui Takeo
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Agriculture And Life Science University Of Tokyo
Shimizu Keiichi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kagoshima University
HARADA Yoichiro
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University
TOTANI Kazuhide
Science of Biological Resources, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University
Usui T
Dep. Of Applied Biological Chemistry Fac. Of Agriculture Shizuoka Univ.
Harada Y
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
Kazuhide Totani
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
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