Brassinosteroids and Monoglycerides in Immature Seeds of Cassia tora as the Active Principles in the Rice Lamina Inclination Bioassay
- 論文の詳細を見る
Brassinolide (1), castasterone (2), typhasterol (3), teasterone (4), and 28-norcastasterone (5), as well as monopalmitin and monoolein, were identified from immature seeds of Cassia tora L. as the active principles in the rice lamina inclination bioassay. The biological activity of monoolein was five orders of magnitude lower than that of brassinolide, but higher than that of indole-3-acetic acid.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1994-07-23
Park K‐h
Chosun Univ. Kwangju Kor
Park K‐h
Seoul National Univ. Seoul Kor
PARK Jong-Dae
Department of Physics, Paichai University
Department of Pediatrics, The Second Tokyo National Hospital
PARK Keun-Hyung
Department of Food Science and Technology, Chonnam National University
Park Keun-hyung
Department Of Food Science & Technology And Institute Of Agricultural Science & Technology
Park Jong-dae
Department Of Food Science And Technology College Of Agriculture Chonnam National University
Park K‐h
Seoul National Univ. Suwon Kor
Park Kwan-hwa
Center For Agricultural Biomaterials National Laboratory For Functional Food Carbohydrates And Depar
Park Kwan-hwa
Department Of Food Science And Technology College Of Agriculture And Life Sciences Seoulnational Uni
Park Kwan-hwa
Center For Agricultural Biomaterials And Department Of Food Science And Biotechnology School Of Agri
NAKAYAMA Masayoshi
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University
Hyun Kyu-Hawn
Department of Resources Plant, College of Agriculture, Sunchon National University
Yokota T
Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
Nakayama M
Juntendo Univ. School Of Medicine Tokyo Jpn
Hyun Kyu-hawn
Department Of Food Science And Technology College Of Agriculture Chonnam National University
Yokota Takao
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Takyo
Nakayama M
Ntt Network Innovation Lab. Yokosuka‐shi Jpn
Yokota Takao
Iss Science Project Office Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration
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