Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Endogenous Gibberellins in Raphanus sativus L. during Cold Treatment and the Subsequent Growth
- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of cold treatment and day length on endogenous gibberellins (GAs) in the stems and leaves of Japanese radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Taibyo-sobutori) were investigated. The concentrations of putative active GAs (GA_1 and GA_4) and their precursors (GA_9 and GA_<20>) in both stems and leaves of R. sativus grown without cold treatment were higher in the long-day condition than the short-day condition. The concentrations of the above four GAs in the stems and leaves generally tended to decrease during the cold treatment, although GA_1 in the stems was at almost the same level before and after the cold treatment. These results suggest that the GA biosynthesis is promoted by the long-day condition rather than cold treatment. Considering that application of GAs after the cold treatment as well as cultivation in the long-day condition after cold treatment induces the bolting of R. sativus, both the cold treatment and activation of GA biosynthesis by cultivation in the long-day condition seem to be essential to the bolting, although it remains to be seen whether the cold treatment affects sensitivity or responsiveness of the stems to GAs. It was also shown that the endogenous levels of GAs in the upper part of the bolting stem were one or two orders of magnitude higher than those in the stem in the rosette plant.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1995-06-23
吉原 照彦
吉原 照彦
NOJIRI Hideaki
Biotechnology Research Center, The University of Tokyo
YAMANE Hisakazu
Biotechnology Research Center, The University of Tokyo
Faculty of Bioresource Sciences, Akita Prefectural University
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Department of Biotechnology, Akita Prefectural University
Department of Pediatrics, The Second Tokyo National Hospital
Maejima Noboru
Department Of Biotechnology Akita Prefectural University
Nonaka Masahiko
Food Research & Development Laboratories Ajinomoto Co. Inc.
Noguchi Haruko
Biotechnology Research Center The University Of Tokyo
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
NAKAYAMA Masayoshi
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University
Department of Applied Physiology, National Research Institute of Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and T
Department of Applied Physiology, National Research Institute of Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and T
NIVOT Kurume Branch
Yamaguchi Isomaro
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Nobtaka
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo:(presnet Addresses) The Institute Of Ph
Takahashi Nobutaka
Frontier Research Program The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (rlken)
Yamane Hisakazu
Biotechnology Res. Center Univ. Of Tokyo
Yamane Hisakazu
Biotech. Res. Ctr. The Univ. Of Tokyo
Nojiri Hideaki
Biotechnology Res. Center The Univ. Of Tokyo
Murofushi Noboru
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Yamaguchi Isomaro
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agricultural Science University Of Tokyo
Koshioka Masaji
Department Of Applied Physiology National Research Institute Of Vegetables Ornamental Plants And Tea
Yamaguchi I
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry University Of Tokyo
Nakayama M
Juntendo Univ. School Of Medicine Tokyo Jpn
Nakajima Masatoshi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry University Of Tokyo
吉原 照彦
Laboratory Of Bio-organic Chemistry Division Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Ho
Yoshihara Teruhiko
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Nakayama M
Dept. Biol. Sci. Fac. Biosci. Biotechnol. Tokyo Inst. Technol.
Tsuji Naoki
Department Of Clinical Laboratory Medicine Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Yokota Takao
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Takyo
Nonaka M
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Katsura Naoki
Department Of Applied Physiology National Research Institute Of Vegetables Ornamental Plants And Tea
Katsura Naoki
Department Of Applied Physiology National Research Institute Of Vegetables
Takahashi N
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univ.
Koshioka M
Department Of Floriculture National Research Institute Of Vegetables Ornamental Plants And Tea (nivo
Nishijima T
National Res. Inst. Vegetables Mie
Nishijima Takaaki
Department Of Applied Physiology National Research Institute Of Vegetables
Nonaka M
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Yokoyama T
Laboratory Of Bio-organic Chemistry Division Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Ho
Yada H
Biotechnology Research Center University Of Tokyo
Yamaguchi Isomaro
Dept. Appl. Biol. Chem. Tokyo Univ.
YAMANE Hisakazu
Biotech. Res. Ctr. , The Univ. of Tokyo
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