Neutralization Method for detection of Metastable Ions and Its Application to the Production of Metastable Rare Gas Ions by Electron Impact
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1975-02-15
KANEKO Yozaburo
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kaneko Yozaburo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kaneko Yozaburo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metoropoliton University
KADOTA Kiyoshi
Department of Electronics, Nagoya University
Kadota Kiyoshi
Department Of Electronics Nagoya University
Kadota Kiyoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Formation of Helium Cluster Ions ^4He^+_n (n≤15)in a Liquid Helium Cooled Drift Tube
- Measurement of Relative Population between B^(2s) and B^(2p) in Electron Capture Collision of B^ with He
- Formation of C_2 Radicals in High-Density C_4F_8 Plasmas Studied by Laser-Induced Fluorescence
- Enhancement of Surface Productions of CF_x Radicals by the Addition of H_2 into CF_4 Plasmas
- Loss Processes of F Atoms in Low-Pressure, High-Density CF_4 Plasmas with the Admixture of H_2
- Surface Kinetics of CF_x Radicals and Fluorine Atoms in the Afterglow of High-Density C_4F_8 Plasmas
- Lifetime Measurements of CF_x Radicals and H Atoms in Afterglow of CF_4/H_2 Plasmas
- Loss Processes of CF and CF_2 Radicals in the Afterglow of High-Density CF_4 Plasmas
- Estimation of Carbon Fluxes Interchanging between Chamber Wall and Gas Phase in Fluorocarbon Plasmas
- Synthesis of Heavy Carbon Clusters by Laser Ablation in Vacuum
- Spatial Distribution of H Atom Density in High-Density, Helicon-Wave H_2 Plasmas Measured by Laser-Induced Fluorescence
- Formation of Positive and Negative Carbon Cluster Ions in the Initial Phase of Laser Ablation in Vacuum
- Role of Reaction Products in F^- Production in Low-Pressure, High-Density CF_4 Plasmas
- Diagnostics of Fluorine Negative Ions by Laser Photodetachment Combined with a Heated Probe in High-Density CF_4 Plasmas
- High Resolution Translational Energy Spectroscopy of One-Electron Capture in Ne^-N_2 Collisions
- Drift Tube Study of One-Electron Capture Reactions between Double-Charged Ions and Rare Gas Atoms
- Drift Tube Study of Symmetric Resonance Single- and Double-Charge Transfer in Kr^++Kr,Xe^++Xe,Kr^+Kr,and Xe^+Xe Systems
- High Resolution Ion Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Li^+-CO_2 Collisions
- Fine-Structure Transitions in Ar^+(^2P_j) + Ar(^1S_0) Collisions in the Energy Range 60 eV-1500 eV
- Vibrational Excitation of NO by Li^+ Impact from 100eV to 1200eV
- Rotational Excitation of n-H_2 by Li^+ Impact in the Energy Range from 150 eV to 750 eV
- Vibrational Excitation of H_2, D_2, N_2 and O_2 by Li^+ Impact in the Energy Range from 100 eV to 1200 eV
- Vibrational Excitation of CO, CO_2 and N_2O by Li^+ Impact in the Energy Range from 70 eV to 1500 eV
- Ion Energy-Loss Spectroscopy for the Collision of Ar^+(^2P_J) with H_2 and N_2
- Efficient Production of O^- by Dissociative Attachment of Slow Electrons to Highly Excited Metastable Oxygen Molecules
- Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry of Positive Ions in Helicon-Wave Excited High-Density CF_4 and C_4F_8 Plasmas
- Characteristics of Fluorine Negative Ions in Helicon-Wave Excited High-Density Carbon-Tetrafluoride Plasmas (負イオン特集)
- Low Energy Ion-Neutral Reactions. I. : ^Ne^++^Ne, and Ar^++N_2
- Neutralization Method for detection of Metastable Ions and Its Application to the Production of Metastable Rare Gas Ions by Electron Impact
- Measurement of Charge-Exchange Probability in He^++He Collision
- Multiple Ionization of Ar and Mg by Electron Impact
- Absolute Measurement of Total Ionization Cross Section of Mg by Electron Impact
- Fine-Structure Transitions in Collisions of Kr^+(^2P_j) with Rare Gases
- Formation of Metastable State Molecular Ions by Electron Impact of N_2, CO, O_2 and NO
- Space-Resolved Measurement of Electron Density by Neutral Li Beam Probing in NBT
- Measurement of the Magnetic Field in a Plasma Using an Impurity Probe Spectroscopy
- The Hydrogen Balmer-α Line Profile in RF-Discharge Plasmas
- Plasma Diagnostics by Neutral Beam Probing
- Comparison of the Fluorine Atom Density Measured by Actinometry and Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy
- Decay Processes of Electrons in the Afterglow of High-Density CF_4, c-C_4F_8 and CF_4-H_2 Plasmas
- On the Long-Lived Excited State of Ar II
- Study of Low Energy Charge Transfer Reactions of Ar^++N_2 and Ar^++O_2 by Time-of-Flight Technique
- Time-of-Flight Study of Low Energy Charge Transfer Reactions of Ar Ions and Metastable Ar Ions with H_2 Molecules
- Study of Low Energy Charge Transfer Reactions of Metastable Argon Ions with Argon Atoms by Time-of-Flight Technique
- Collisional Quenching of C_2(d^3Π_g) and C^3(A^1〜Π_u) and Its Application to the Estimation of Absolute Particle Density in Laser-Ablation Carbon Plumes
- Secondary Electron Ejection from Contaminated Metal Surface by He and Ar Atoms
- Mobilities of Ne^+ and Ar^+ Ions in He Gas at 82 K
- Mobility of Ar^+ Ions in He Gas at 82 K
- Mobilities of CO^+_2 and N_2O^+ Ions in Ne Gas
- Mobilities of Li^+, NO^+ and O^+_2 in N_2 and CO_2 Gases
- Mobilities of CO_2^+and N_2O^+ in He, Ar and N_2 Gases
- Observation of Stark Spectra of Argon High Rydberg States in Well-Defined Electric Fields by Laser-Induced Fluorescence-Dip Spectroscopy
- Correlation between Metastable and Ground-State Fluorine Atom Densities Measured by Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopies : Nuclear Science, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Cross Sections for Excitation and De-Excitation Processes among ^3P_2, ^3P_1,^3P_0, ^1D_2 and ^1S_0 of Ne^ and Ar^ in Collisions with Rare Gases
- Fine Structure Transition Cross Seetions of Ar^+ and Ne^+ in Collisions with Rare Grases
- Fractional Populations of ^3P_j,^1D_2 and ^1S_o States in Ar^ Ion Beam Produced by Electron Impact
- Ion Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Kr^-He and -Ne Collisions.II One Electron Capture Processes
- Ion Mobility Measurements of He^+ in He Gas at 4.4 K
- Ionization Efficiency Curves for A^+, Kr^+, N_2^+, and CO^+ by Electron Impact
- Low Energy Ion-Neutral Reactions. II. : Kr^++Kr, Kr^++CO and CO^++Kr
- State-to-State Cross Sections of Inelastic Processes in Collisions of Kr^+ with N_2,NO,CO and O_2
- Ion Spectroscopy of Vibrational and Vibronic Excitation in He^+-O_2 Collisions
- Ion Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Kr^-He and -Ne Collisions.I.Transitions among ^3P_2,^3P_1,^3P_0,^1D_2 and ^1S_0 of Kr^
- Dynamic Variation of the Sticking Coefficient of Oxygen Atoms in Helicon-Wave Excited High-Density Oxygen Plasmas
- Study of Low Energy Charge Transfer Reactions of Metastable Ar Ions with Ar, Kr and Xe Atoms by Time-of-Flight Technique
- Low Energy Ion-Neutral Reactions. V. O_2^++NO, N_2^++NO, CO^++NO, N_2^++O_2, CO_2^++O_2, CO^++O_2 and N_2^++CO
- One-Electron Capture Processes by Highly Charged Ions from Helium : Present Status of NICE-IPP
- Low Energy Ion-Neutral Reactions. IV. : Formation of NO^+ and N^+_2 in O^++N_2 Collisions
- Single and Double Ionization of Ca by Electron Impact
- Single and Double Ionization of Na, K and Mg by Electron Impact
- Mobilities of Various Ions in Non-Parent Gases; Compilation of the Mobility Data Measured with the Injected-Ion Drift Tube Mass Spectrometer in Tokyo Metropolitan University.
- Spatial Distribution of H Atom Density in High-Density, Helicon-Wave H2 Plasmas Measured by Laser-Induced Fluorescence
- Inelastic Collisions of Li+ on H2 and D2 Molecules(速報)
- An Improved Drift Tube Mass Spectrometry
- Dynamic Variation of the Sticking Coefficient of Oxygen Atoms in Helicon-Wave Excited High-Density Oxygen Plasmas
- Formation of Positive and Negative Carbon Cluster Ions in the Initial Phase of Laser Ablation in Vacuum
- Correlation between Metastable and Ground-State Fluorine Atom Densities Measured by Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopies