父母の家庭科観(第2報) : 学習指導要領改訂前後の調査を通して
- 論文の詳細を見る
Based on the conclusion of questionnaire survey in 1987 and 1994, we studided the changes of parents' conception about homemaking education during seven years before and after the revision on course of study. The results were as follows: 1.On co-educational homemaking education, parents' support of a part of junior high school curriculum has decreased since 1987, and the support of the present co-educational homemaking education, consistent through elementaty, junior and senior high schools has increased greatly. 2.Parents valuation on importance of ability gained by homemaking education did not change.It changed according to attributes. 3.In the same way as the last time, life problem and culture and daily life are important factors concerning ability gained by homemaking education. Here the daily life factor has little effect on the attitude to share household chores willingly, and it changed according to attributes. 4.In the present co-educational homemaking education, the education based on scientific grounds are being requested rather than the household work skill education.Sexual education is considered important in elementary school.These are problems which will have to be examined in homemaking education from now on.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1997-08-20
小川 裕子
入江 和夫
永原 朗子
入江 和夫
永原 朗子
小川 裕子
小川 裕子
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