父母の家庭科観(第1報) : 学習指導要領改訂後における山口県の小・中・高校生の父母の場合
- 論文の詳細を見る
After the course of study revision in 1989, to enrich the contents of the co-educational homemaking education further, we investigated the opinions of parents who had children of school age from elementary to senior high schools in Yamaguchi Prefecture. The results were as follows: 1. About 40% of parents support the co-educational homemaking education consistent through elementary, junior and senior high schools. It is supported more by the parents whose children are senior high school students than parents whose children are elementary or junior high school students. 2. On co-educational homemaking education, parents primarily show that they want to make their children understand social manners and family relationship. Moreover, they want to develop their homemaking skills, attitude to share household chores willingly and ability to solve problems in their present daily lives. Few think about scientific and cultural aspects behind their daily lives. 3. "Life problem and culture" and "daily life" are important factors for co-educational homemaking education. Generally, "Life problem and culture" factor has little effect on parents Whose children are elementary school pupils, and those having only sons, and supporters of the co-educational homemaking education in the lower school stage than the present one (co-educational homemaking education counsistent through elementary, junior and senior high schools). But parents who have only sons, and fathers, are influenced by "science". and parents whose children are elementary school pupils are influenced by "sex education". On the other hand, mothers, and parents who have children of senior high school age, and parents who have daughters and supporters of the part of junior high school and the present co-educational homemaking education, "daily life" factor is alse influenced by household chores.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1996-12-20
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