高齢者のいる家族の居住来歴と住生活の課題に関する基礎的研究 (第2報) : 富山市における高齢者のいる家族の住生活の安定性とその課題
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Based on the data obtained in the first report (Part I), we have categorized the stability of the residential life of the elderly persons which is observed in the change of their residential relationship with their families for the past 16 years (1970-1986). The changes seen in their working conditions, situations of employment and the changes of residential relationship due to their selection of residential place, have been analyzed and the characteristic points we have found are as follows. 1) The residential relationship of the elderly persons with their families has been changed due to the selection of their residential place on the occasion of their childrens marriage and finding employment, etc., and there by formed a variety of residential lives such as those of stable, quasi-stable, quasi-unstable and unstable types. 2) Characterizing the residential life of the elderly persons, 67 families are of stable type (60.4% of the sample) and 44 families of unstable type (39.6% of the sample). 3) Considering of tenure of residence, in the families which don't live in their own residence, stable type is 1.7%, other types are 15.4%. Therefore, the stability of residential life relates considerally with tenure of residence. 4) 86 elderly persons are having no occupations and 85 are considered to be supported financially by their children, where one person has no children to be supported by 67 persons are belonging to the category of the future stable type of the residential relationship and will be supported closely by their children. 5) There are many issues to be solved for the families with elderly persons of a variety of residential relationship, particularly from the viewpoints of their residential life, medical care and welfare. In addition to their own efforts, regional care and administration should play bigger and various roles in taking measures to meet with these new situations.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1993-02-15
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