Kim Young | Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Kim Young
Department Of Electronics Engineering Korea Advance Intitute Of Science & Technology
Kim Young
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women's Cancer Clinic, Yonsei University College of Medicin
Kim Sung
Department of Bioengineering and Technology, College of Engineering, Kangwon National University
Kim Jae
Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Pusan National University
Kim Sung
Division Of Gynecologic Oncology Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Yonsei University College O
KIM Sang
Department of Metallic and Materials Engineering, Gyeongsang National University
Kim Yong
Division Of Gynecologic Oncology Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Yonsei University College O
Kim Young
Division Of Gynecologic Oncology Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Yonsei University College O
Kim Ki
Department of Oral Biology, Research Center for Orofacial Hard Tissue Regeneration, Oral Science Res
Kim Jae
Myongji Hospital, Kwandong University College of Medicine
Kim Jae
Myongji Hospital Kwandong University College Of Medicine
KIM Jong
Department of Chemical Engineering, Dong A University
Department of Food and Nutrition, Chungnam National University
Kim Hye-kyung
Dep. Of Food And Biotechnology Hanseo Univ.
Kim Hye
Kim Young
Dep. Of Food And Biotechnology Korea Univ.
So Insuk
Department of Physiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Nam Eun
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women's Cancer Clinic, Yonsei University College of Medicin
Department of Metallurgy, The University of Tokyo
Kim Ki
Kim K
Department Of Physiology School Of Medicine Gachon University Of Medicine And Science
Kim Y
Seoul National Univ. Seoul Kor
Departments of Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Yoon Bo
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Yonsei University College Of Medicine
So Insuk
Department Of Physiology Seoul National University College Of Medicine
So Insuk
Department Of Physiology And Biophysics Seoul National University College Of Medicine
KIM Yong
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Hanyang University
Yoon Bo
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women's Cancer Clinic, Yonsei University College of Medicin
Kim Sunghoon
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women's Cancer Clinic, Yonsei University College of Medicin
Department of Anatomy and Center for Advanced Medical Education by BK21 Project, Inha University Col
Kim Y
Department Of Science Hongik University
Park Yong
Department of Genetic Engineering, Kyungpook National University
Jung Min
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Kyung Hee Medical
Department of Material Science & Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
LEE Sang
Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Gachon University, Gil Medical Center
Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University
Kim Hee
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Kim Tae
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Mishima Michiaki
京都大学 医学研究科呼吸器内科学
Mishima Michiaki
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Kyoto University Hospital
Kim C‐j
Department Of Physiology College Of Medicine Kyung Hee University
Kim Chang-ju
Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Kohwang Medical Research Institute, Kyung Hee Unive
Lee Yun
Diabetes Research Center Division Of Traditional Korean Medicine (tkm) Integrated Research Korea Ins
Lee Kyu
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Korea University College Of Medicine
Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
Lee B‐j
College Of Veterinary Medicine And Research Institute Of Veterinary Medicine Chungbuk National Unive
Lee B‐j
Seoul National Univ. Seoul Kor
Yun Y
College Of Veterinary Medicine And Research Institute Of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology
MISHIMA Michiaki
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Lee Dong
Department Of Environmental Atmospheric Science Pukyong National University
Kim Chul
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chonnam National University Medical School
Kim C‐j
Kyung Hee Univ. Seoul Kor
KIM Chang-Ju
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Date Hiroshi
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Kyoto University
Department of Physiology, Nagoya City University Medical School
Department of Physiology, Nagoya City University Medical School
KITO Yoshihiko
Department of Physiology, Nagoya City University Medical School
Togashi Yosuke
Department of Internal Medicine, Sumitomo Hospital
Hong Won
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Women's Health Science, Women's Cancer Clinic,
Kim Sun
Department Of Chemical Engineering Sogang University
Son Ga
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Women's Cancer Clinic Yonsei University College Of Medi
Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
HA Yunkyoung
Department of Science, Hongik University
Research Institute of Science and Technology, Hongik University
SUH Kwang
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine
OH Seungjoon
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine
LEE Yong
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
LEE Young
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Pusan National University
Ahn Young
The Heart Center Of Chonnam National University Hospital
Lee Bo
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Kyung Hee Medical
PARK Hyung
Department of Internal Medicine, Chonnam National University Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, Chonnam National University Hospital
AHN Young
Department of Internal Medicine, Chonnam National University Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, Chonnam National University Hospital
Division of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University
KIM Jung
Department of Occupational Medicine, College of Medicine, Dong-A University
KIM Jung-Sun
Division of Cardiology, Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine
KO Young-Guk
Division of Cardiology, Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine
CHOI Donghoon
Division of Cardiology, Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine
JANG Yangsoo
Division of Cardiology, Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine
Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Gachon University, Gil Medical Center
Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, College of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University
Kim Jong-choon
Coll. Of Veterinary Medicine Chonnam National Univ.
KIM Dong
Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University
Department of Food and Nutrition, Chungnam National University
Cho Hye
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Microbiology and Immunology, Chonnam National University Me
Park Kyoung
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Kim Hyo
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Cardiovascular Labor
Kim Hyung
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Cardiovascular Labor
Song Yong
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Lee Jeong
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College od Medicine, Soonchunhyang University
Choi Hong
Department of Korean Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University
Department of Environmental Engineering, Sun Moon University
Graduate School of East-West Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Kim K
Yong-in Univ. Yongin‐si Kor
Kim Ju
The Heart Center Of Chonnam National University Hospital
LEE Seung
School of Advanced Materials Engineering. Chonbuk National University
LEE Chang
Department of Oral Biology, Yonsei University College of Dentistry
Kobayashi Y
Department Of Gastroenterology And Metabolism Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medical Scie
Yokoyama Y
Department Of Physiology Nagoya City University School Of Nursing
Yokoyama Yoshifumi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Nagoya City University School Of Medicine
Kim Kwang
Department Of Chemical Engineering Pusan National University
KIM Hong
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Yamakawa Takeo
Department Of Plant Resources Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Yamakawa Takeo
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Kyushu University
Department of Aquaculture, Pukyong National University
KIM Seung
Department of Alternative Medicine, Gwangju University
Kim Y
Pusan National Univ. Pusan Kor
Rhee Jong
Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine, Cheju National University College of Medicine
LEE Sung
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center
Choi Donghoong
Division Of Cardiology Severance Cardiovascular Hospital Yonsei University College Of Medicine
Jang Yangsoo
Division Of Cardiology Severance Cardiovascular Hospital Yonsei University College Of Medicine
Kim Jung-sun
Division Of Cardiology Severance Cardiovascular Hospital Yonsei University College Of Medicine
Kim Jung-sun
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Laboratory Medicine Yonsei University College Of Medicine
Ko Young-guk
Division Of Cardiology Severance Cardiovascular Hospital Yonsei University College Of Medicine
Song Ki-bong
Basic Research Laboratory. Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute. Yu-song P.o.
Song Ki-joon
Department Of Microbiology College Of Medicine Korea University
Kim Sei
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of M
Son Ga
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women's Cancer Clinic, Yonsei University College of Medicin
Kim Kyu
Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University
LEE Kang-Yoon
Department of Electronic Engineering, Konkuk University
Kim Wun-jae
Department Of Urology College Of Medicine And Institute For Tumor Research Chungbuk National Univers
Kim Jun
Department of Internal Medicine, Chonnam University Medical School
Division of Cardiology, Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine
KIM Young-Hoon
Korea University College of Medicine
Kim Hyun
Department of Preventive Medicine, Ajou University School of Medicine
Kim Hyung
Kim Hyung
Department Of Pathology Seonam Univerisy College Of Medicine
Kim Kwang
Department Of Radiology College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Kim Young
Department Of Life Science And Center For Plant Intracellular Trafficking Pohang University Of Scien
Yamamoto Y
Department Of Physiology Nagoya City University School Of Nursing
YAMAMOTO Yoshimichi
Department of Physiology, Nagoya City University School of Nursing
Department of Physiology, Nagoya City University Medical School
Kim Nam
East-west Medical Research Institute
Park Eun
Department Of Biochemistry Kon Kuk University
Park Eun
Park Kwang
Department Of Oral Biology Oral Cancer Research Institute Oral Science Research Institute
Yoo Bo
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women's Cancer Clinic, Institute of Women's life science, Y
Lee Dong
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine
Ryu Jong
Department Of Life And Nanopharmaceutical Sciences College Of Pharmacy Kyung Hee University
Kim Dae-yeon
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology University Of Ulsan College Of Medicine Asan Medical Center
Kim Won
Materials Design Laboratory Koreainstitute Of Science And Technology
Department of Phpysics, Hanyang University
Shin Ji
National Research Laboratory Of Cellular And Biomechanical Engineering Department Of Biomedical Engi
Shin Ji
National Res. Lab. Of Cellular And Biomechanical Engineering Dep. Of Biomedical Engineering Inje Uni
Park Eun
Department Of Microbiology Korean Institute Of Tuberculosis The Korean National Tuberculosis Associa
KANG Seung
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine
Department of Neurosurgery, Division of Biostatistics in Graduate School of Public Health University
LIM Jeong
Department of Gamete Biotechnology, College of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University
Department of Veterinary Pathology, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The Universit
Sim S
Department Of Chemical Engineering Polymer Technology Institute Sungkyunkwan University
RHIM Hyewhon
Biomedical Research Center
Lee Ji
Department Of Dermatology And Internal Medicine Chungbuk National University
Lee G
Sun General Hospital Daejeon Kor
Lim Do
Department Of Cardiology Cardiovascular Center Korea University Hospital
Lim Do-sun
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Anam Hospital
SUN Hang
Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science
KIM Dong-Hee
College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University
KIM Jong-Pyung
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
KIM Chan-Sik
Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
YOO Jeong
Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
KIM Joo-Hwan
Department of Life Science, Daejeon University
Department of Information Display Engineering, Hongik University
SEO Ji-hyun
Department of Information Display Engineering, Hongik University
YOO Dong-il
Department of Chemical Engineering, Hongik University
Research Institute of Science and Technology, Hongik University
KIM Bong
Research Institute of Science and Technology, Hongik University
Department of Chemical Engineering, Hongik University
YOU Bora
Department of Basic Science, Hongik University
Kim Y
Hanyang Univ. Seoul Kor
Kim Y
Kyushu Univ.
Department of Pathology, Seonam Univerisy College of Medicine
Lim Hong
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Guro Hospital
Plant Resources Research Institute. Duksung Women's University
KWON Mikwang
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine
WOO Jeong-Taek
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine
KIM Jin-Woo
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine
Lee Sang
Department Of Urology Seoul National University College Of Medicine
School of Architectural, Civil and Environment Engineering, Kumoh National University of Technology
Choi Sang
Department Of Physics Korea University
Jung E‐y
College Of Veterinary Medicine And Research Institute Of Veterinary Medicine Chungbuk National Unive
Min S‐k
Korea Univ. Chungnam Kor
Min Suk-ki
School Of Electronics And Information Engineering Korea University
Min Suk-ki
Semiconductor Mat. Lav.
Kim Hyung
Department Of Biochemistry Ewha Womans University School Of Medicine
Kim Sung-soo
Department Of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine College Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University
Yun Young
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
KIM Dae-Hyun
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyung Hee University East-West Neo Medical Center
LEE Jung
Department of Medical and Biological Engineering, Kyungpook National University Hospital
LEE Myung
Department of Physics & Astronomy, FPRD, Seoul National University
Han Seok
Department Of Surgery Yonsei University College Of Medicine
Kwon Dae
Food Function Res. Div. Korea Food Res. Inst.
Song Eun
Department Of Bioscience & Biotechnology Institute Of Bioscience Sejong University
- IS-85 The relationship between serum follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol levels and urodynamic results in patients with pelvic floor dysfunction(Group11 Women's Health2,International Session)
- Kaempferol Attenuates 2-Deoxy-D-ribose-Induced Oxidative Cell Damage in MC3T3-E1 Osteoblastic Cells(Biopharmacy)
- ゲニステインとエストラジオールが生殖器の発達に及ぼす影響 : 大豆ベースの餌によって飼育した母マウスから生まれたオスの性成熟への影響(毒性学)
- P1-IS-48 Diabetes Mellitus Following Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Patients with Gynecologic Malignancy
- P1-IS-38 The Safety and Efficacy of Belotecan in Patients with Recurrent or Refractory Ovarian Cancer
- P1-IS-6 The mRNA and protein expressions of cell division cycle 25 phosphatase in cervical carcinoma and their correlations with clinicopathologic factors
- Effects of inhibitors of nonselective cation channels on the acetylcholine-induced depolarization of circular smooth muscle from the guinea-pig stomach antrum
- P-IS-44 Correlation of HLA-G gene Expression with Various Prognostic Factors in Ovarian Carcinoma(Oncology 12,Group 99,International Session)
- P-IS-41 Analysis of Chromosomal Changes in Serous Ovarian Carcinoma by Microarray Comparative Genomic Hybridization : Potential Predictive Markers for Chemoresistant Disease(Oncology 11,Group 98,International Session)
- Immunohistochemical analysis of p16INK4A protein overexpression in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(Oncology 4)
- 2-8.Clinical Usefulness of Cervicogram as Primary Screening Test of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia(Session 3 Oncology 3)
- Flavan-3-ols Having a γ-Lactam from the Roots of Actinidia arguta Inhibit the Formation of Advanced Glycation End Products in Vitro
- Anthraquinones from the Seeds of Cassia tora with Inhibitory Activity on Protein Glycation and Aldose Reductase(Pharmacognosy)
- Puerariafuran, a New Inhibitor of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) Isolated from the Roots of Pueraria lobata
- Efficient Red Electrophosphorescent Devices Based on Iridium Complexes of Fluorinated 1-phenylisoquinoline
- Effects of Indium-Tin-Oxide Surface Treatment on Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
- Adenomyoma of the small intestine in an adult : a rare cause of intussusception
- Effects of Texturing and Microbridge length on the IR Responsivity of YBa_2Cu_3O_x Thin Film
- A Synthesis and Luminescence Study of Ir(ppz)_3 for Organic Light-Emitting Devices
- Accuracy of epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutation analysis by direct sequencing method based on small biopsy specimens from patients with non-small cell lung cancer : analysis of results in 19 patients
- ACPR Improvement Limitations of Predistortion Linearizer for Nonlinear RF Power Amplifiers(Advanced RF Technologies for Compact Wireless Equipment and Mobile Phones)
- Stable Integration and Functional Expression of Flounder Growth Hormone Gene in Transformed Microalga, Chlorella ellipsoidea
- Complementary DNA Encoding nm23/NDP Kinase Gene from the Korean Tiger Shark Scyliorhinus torazame
- IS-95 Sexual behavior of Korean young women : preliminary study for the introducing of HPV prophylactic vaccine(Group12 Oncology4,International Session)
- Prognostic Implication of the Left Atrial Appendage Mechanical Reserve After Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation
- Epigenetic markers as promising prognosticators for bladder cancer
- Effects of Anemarrhena asphodeloides on Focal Ischemic Brain Injury Induced by Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats(Pharmacology)
- Roles of Three Well-Conserved Arginine Residues in Mediating the Catalytic Activity of Tobacco Acetohydroxy Acid Synthase
- Isolation and Characterization of Ornithine Decarboxylase Gene from Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)
- Mechanism of Cell Cycle Arrest Caused by Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors in Human Carcinoma Cells
- Ischemic Injury-Specific Gene Expression in the Rat Spinal Cord Injury Model Using Hypoxia-Inducible System
- Influence of Inertial Force on Electron Trajectories in the Surface Conduction Electron Emitter Displays
- 第2次性徴決定期に塩化トリプチル錫に暴露されたラットの成熟期における精子形成不全(毒性学)
- Troglitazone Increases IL-1β Induced Cyclooxygenase-2 and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression via Enhanced Phosphorylation of IκBα in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells from Wistar-Kyoto Rats and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats(Pharmacology)
- ナノ構造炭化ケイ素セラミックスの機械的特性と接触損傷
- Systematic Lymphadenectomy Improves Survival in Patients with Advanced-Stage Primary Fallopian Tube Cancer
- Background Nonselective Cationic Current and the Resting Membrane Potential in Rabbit Aorta Endothelial Cells
- Relationship Between Global Cytosolic Ca^ Concentration and Ca^ activated K^+ Current in Rabbit Cerebral Arterial Myocyte
- P3-IS-39 The value of vaginal culture for Ureaplasma urealyticum and C-reactive protein as a predictor of adverse pregnancy outcome(Group89 Perinatology+Women's Health1,International Session)
- Analysis of Read-out Signals in Land/Groove Recording of a Phase-Change Optical Disc
- Comparison of Immunological Responses to the Various Types of Circumsporozoite Proteins of Plasmodium vivax in Malaria Patients of Korea
- Residual Stress Behavior of Polyimide Thin Films : Effect of Precursors
- Correlation of Serial Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Parameters With Early Resolution of ST-Segment Elevation After Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- ビンクロゾリンの生殖毒性 : 性成熟期雄ラットに対する暴露の影響(毒性学)
- The effect of tumor size on F-18-labeled fluorodeoxyglucose and fluoroerythronitroimidazole uptake in a murine sarcoma model
- The changes of serum soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 after systemic steroid treatment in vitiligo
- The value of Doppler assessment as a Predictive Factor of Adverse Perinatal Outcome in Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)(Perinatology 7)
- Effects of Mechanical Stimuli and Microfiber-Based Substrate on Neurite Outgrowth and Guidance(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Secondary leukemia in a child conceived using in vitro fertilization
- A Novel and Efficient Method for the Technetium-99m Labelling of Disulfide Compounds Using a Tetrahydroborate Exchange Resin
- P-IS-26 Proportion of peripheral blood CD4+CD25high regulatory T cells in patients with gynecologic cancers(Oncology 7,Group 94,International Session)
- Comparative study of laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and radical abdominal hysterectomy in patients with FIGO stage IB cervical cancer(Oncology 9)
- The Properties of Carbachol-Activated Nonselective Cation Channels at the Single Channel Level in Guinea Pig Gastric Myocytes
- Influence of Extracellular Na^+ Removal on Cytosolic Ca^ Concentration in Smooth Muscle Cells of Rabbit Cerebral Artery
- Dual roles of phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate in the regulation of guinea-pig gastric contraction
- Genetic Diversity of Colored Rice Lines Based on Botanical Characteristics and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers
- An in vivo approach for Arabidopsis as a model system for cell biology focused on intracellular trafficking
- Sustainable management of grassland ecosystems for controlling Asian dusts and desertification in Asian continent and a suggestion of Eco-Village study in China
- Angiographic Prevalence and Clinical Predictors of Severely Tortuous Right Subclavian Artery in Patients Undergoing Transradial Coronary Angiography and Interventions
- Antiepileptic Drug Withdrawal after Successful Surgery for Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- Effects of NH_3 Plasma Treatment of the Substrate on Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Copper Films
- Impact Response of the Intervertebral Disc in a Finite-Element Model
- The Genomic Heterogeneity among Mycobacterium terrae Complex Displayed by Sequencing of 16S rRNA and hsp65 Genes
- Captopril reduces portal pressure effectively in portal hypertensive patients with low portal venous velocity
- Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine on electrical responses of circular smooth muscle isolated from the guinea-pig gastric antrum
- High-Beam-Current Microcolumns with Large Apertures
- Improvement in Switching Speed of Nematic Liquid Crystal Microlens Array with Polarization Independence
- An Alternative Structure of a Fully Thermally Coupled Distillation Column for Improved Operability
- Purification and Characterization of a Copper-Containing Amine Oxidase from Mycobacterium Sp. Strain JC1 DSM 3803 Grown on Benzylamine
- Magnetic Properties in Aligned (Tl_Pb_)Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_9 High-T_c Superconductor
- An Electrical Characteristics-Based Piecewise-Linear DC Model of the MOSFET
- Unusual recurrence in ureters and maxillary sinus of Langerhans cell histiocytosis involving mastoid bone
- Moyamoya disease-induced hemichorea corrected by indirect bypass surgery
- Magnetic Relaxation Studies on Grain-Aligned HgBa_2Ca_2Cu_3O_y Superconductor
- Octreotide, a Somatostatin Analogue, in the Treatment of Chylothorax Associated with Idiopathic Fibrosing Mediastinitis
- Rigorous Design of Fully Thermally Coupled Distillation Column
- 肝細胞癌と診断された肝内脾症
- Successful elimination of Ascaris lumbricoides from the gallbladder by conservative medical therapy
- Electric Field-Induced Adsorption/Desorption of Oxygen on a Pd-SnO_x-Si_3N_4-SiO_2-Si-Al Capacitor
- Tumor Volume Change during Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer : Predictive Value of Recurrence(Oncology 9)
- P1-IS-75 Third trimester umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry in twins to predict adverse perinatal outcome based on systolic/diastolic ratio difference
- 2E4-1 粘土に埋め込まれたPVDFフィルムの振動による排水能力の向上(英語講演I)
- Constrained Nonlinear Control of a Binary Distillation Column
- Expression of Tcf-1 mRNA and surface TCR-CD3 complexes are reduced during apoptosis of T cells.
- Alignment Ratio of Magnetically Aligned High-T_c Superconducting Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ and Y_Dy_Ba_2Cu_3O_ Thick Films
- Substrate Temperature Dependence of ZnO Films Prepared by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis
- On-Line Property Prediction for Industrial Slurry High-Density Polyethylene Processes with Various Grade Transition Modes
- Adenovirus-mediated Suicide Gene Therapy Using the Human Telomerase Catalytic Subunit (hTERT) Gene Promoter Induced Apoptosis of Ovarian Cancer Cell Line(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Sharks : A Potential Source of Antiangiogenic Factors and Tumor Treatments
- A Partial Norm Based Early Rejection Algorithm for Fast Motion Estimation(Adaptive Signal Processing and Its Applications)
- Fascin overexpression correlates with positive thrombospondin-1 and syndecan-1 expressions and a more aggressive clinical course in patients with gallbladder cancer
- IS-101 WRN gene expression in vaginal walls of women with pelvic organ prolapse(Group11 Women's Health1,International Session)
- IS-86 Improvement of reproductive and immune functions in stress-induced polycystic ovary treated by Hochu-ekki-to(Group10 Reproduction4,International Session)
- A Percutaneous Spinal Surgical Procedure Using a Biplanar Fluoroscopy-Guided Robot System
- IS-28 Role of surgery in the management of Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia(Group4 Oncology4,International Session)
- Catecholamine Cardiomyopathy Associated With Paraganglioma Rescued by Percutaneous Cardiopulmonary Support : Inverted Takotsubo Contractile Pattern
- Highly Efficient Green Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with High Electron Mobility
- A Novel Dielectric Resonator Bandpass Filter with Variable Attenuation Poles for Duplexer Applications(Devices/Circuits for Communications)
- Control Structure for a Fully Thermally Coupled Distillation Column Using the Hexane Process
- Effect of Scutellariae Radix Extract on the High Glucose-Induced Apoptosis in Cultured Vascular Endothelial Cells(Biopharmacy)
- Inhibition of the Protein Crosslinking in a Maillard Reaction by Aminoguanidine and Semicarbazide(Food & Nutrition)
- Comparative analysis of NK/T-cell lymphoma and peripheral T-cell lymphoma in Korea : Clinicopathological correlations and analysis of EBV strain type and 30-bp deletion variant LMP1
- Geldanamycin induces apoptotic cell death in Epstein-Barr virus positive NK/T cell lymphoma by downregulating Akt
- Expression of standard CD44 in human colorectal carcinoma : Association with prognosis
- Codoped Spacer Ratio Effect on Electroluminescence Characteristics of Hybrid White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes for Reduced Efficiency Roll-Off
- A Binary Time-Slot Assignment Algorithm for Time-Division Multiplexed (TDM) Hierarchical Switching Systems (HSS)
- DEMI: A Delay Minimization Algorithm for Cell-Based Digital VLSI Design
- Complex Metal Halide Oxides (2). Layered Complex Metal Chloride Oxides Having the X1X2 Structure as Catalysts for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane
- Usefulness of a malleable penile prosthesis in patients with a spinal cord injury
- Application of Metal Injection Molding to W-Ni-Fe Heavy Alloy (特集 The 2nd Japan-Korea Workshop on Powder Injection Molding)
- Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)s Produced by Pseudomonas oleovorans Grown by Feeding Nonanoic and 10-Undecenoic Acids in Sequence
- A Simplified Ordering Scheme Minimizing Average BER for MIMO Systems with Adaptive Modulation(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- Ellipsometry analysis of hydrogenated HgCdTe(Session A9 Optelectronic Devices)(2004 Asia-Pasific Workshop on Fundamentals and Application of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2004))
- Ellipsometry analysis of hydrogenated HgCdTe(Session A9 Optelectronic Devices)(2004 Asia-Pasific Workshop on Fundamentals and Application of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2004))
- Biomechanical Effect of Constraint in Lumbar Total Disc Replacement : A Study With Finite Element Analysis
- Specialized Center for the disabled in Seoul National University Hospital
- Activation Effects of Allium Tuberosum Rottl. on Choline Acetyltransferase
- Tryptophan Boost Caused by Senescence Occurred Independently of Cytoplasmic Glutamine Synthetase
- Thickness Dependent Dielectric Property of BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Artificial Lattice
- Field Quantization and Spontaneous Emission in Circular Cylindrical Cavities : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- A characterization of the homogeneous minimal ruled real hypersurface in complex hyperbolic space
- Estimation of interfacial fixed charge at Al2O3/SiO2 using slant-etched wafer for solar cell application
- Metabolite Profiling of Cheonggukjang, a Fermented Soybean Paste, Inoculated with Various Bacillus Strains during Fermentation
- Protective Effects of Kaempferol (3,4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone) against Amyloid Beta Peptide (Aβ)-Induced Neurotoxicity in ICR Mice
- Inhibitory Effect of Poncirus trifoliate on Acetylcholinesterase and Attenuating Activity against Trimethyltin-Induced Learning and Memory Impairment
- Zeatin Supplement Improves Scopolamine-Induced Memory Impairment in Mice
- Ferulic Acid Supplementation Prevents Trimethyltin-Induced Cognitive Deficits in Mice
- Export of Particulate Matter from Tokyo Bay Studied with Radiochemical Tracers, ^Po and^Pb
- Quench and Recovery Test on Stacked YBCO-Coated Conductors by Applying Various Intermediate Inserting Materials
- Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Simplified Device Architecture
- Color Stability and High Efficiency of White Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Suitable Position of Phosphorescent Red Emitter
- Hybrid White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Reduced Efficiency Roll-Off
- Highly Efficient Deep-Blue Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Iridium(III) Bis[(5-cyano-4-fluorophenyl)pyridinato-N,C2’]picolinate as an Emitter
- High-Efficiency White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Codoped Blue-Light-Emitting Layers with Different Functional Materials
- Efficiency Enhancement and Color Stabilization in Organic Light-Emitting Devices Utilizing a Fullerene–Polymer Composite Layer Acting as a Hole Transport Layer
- Effect of the Thickness of the Lithium Quinolate and Aluminum Mixed Layer Acting as an Electron Injection Layer on the Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Devices
- Characteristics of White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Heteroleptic Iridium Complexes for Green and Red Phosphorescence
- Efficient Red Electrophosphorescent Devices Based on Iridium Complexes of Fluorinated 1-Phenylisoquinoline
- Theoretical Study of Ir(III) Complexes of Fluorinated Phenylbenzoquinoline as Red Phosphorescent Material
- A Case of Perineal Schwannoma Resembling a Skin Tag
- Inflammatory Nodules of the Lower Legs : A Clinical and Histological Analysis of 134 Cases in Korea
- Zinc(II) and Copper(I)-Ferrocenedicarboxylate Polyhedron and Polygon
- Nationwide survey to evaluate the prevalence of varicoceles in South Korean middle school boys : A population based study
- Chemical Investigation on the Mixture of Calcium hydroxide and Chlorhexidine digluconate
- Process Identification and PID Controller Tuning in Multivariable Systems
- 佐々木空間型のC-全測地的部分多様体
- Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Gomisin N, Gomisin J, and Schisandrin C Isolated from the Fruit of Schisandra chinensis
- High-Beam-Current Microcolumns with Large Apertures
- Effect of the Einzel Lens Structure in Microcolumn
- A Case of Huge Ovarian Cyst of 21-Year-Old Young Woman
- Changes of precore nucleic acid sequence in chronic hepatitis B patients with and without interferon administration
- Genetic Structure and Conservation Considerations of Rare Endemic Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai (Oleaceae) in Korea
- Determination of Mechanical Properties of Single-Crystal CdS Nanowires from Dynamic Flexural Measurements of Nanowire Mechanical Resonators
- Intestinal amebiasis with Henoch-Schonlein purpura
- Photoionization Leading to the Al^ 3l States from the Ground State of Mg-like Al^+ Ion(Atomic and molecular physics)
- Physical and Chemical Contributions of Interfacial Impurities to Film Adhesion : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- IS-115 Genetic Susceptibility to Preeclampsia : Roles of Asp9Asn Mutation, -93G Promoter Mutation, Asn291Ser Mutation in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene
- Disseminated colon cancer in a 15-year-old boy after immunosuppression for aplastic anemia
- 305 Cadmium Removal from Heavy Metal Wastewater
- Operability Improvement in a Fully Thermally Coupled Distillation System with Separated Main Columns
- A Case of Primary Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube
- S7-6 Abberant promotor hypermethylation of CpG islands in non-small cell lung cancer(International symposium)
- Role of Partially Conserved Axial-Vector Current in the π_ and K _ Decays
- Adhesion Characteristics between Chemical Vapor Deposited Cu and TiN Films : Aspects of Process Integration
- Extrapulmonary small-cell carcinoma of the liver
- Temperature and humidity favorable for colony development of the indoor-reared bumblebee, Bombus ignitus
- Postnatal changes in the expression of p60c-Src in mouse testes
- Lichen Planus Showing Columnar Epidermal Necrosis
- A Case of Idiopathic Eruptive Macular Pigmentation
- Finite Element Analysis of the Effects of Pedicle Screw Fixation Nut Loosening on Lumbar Interbody Fusion Based on the Elasto-Plateau Plasticity of Bone Characteristics
- Modified Julolidine-Containing Emitters for Red Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
- Whole-Blood Interferon-Gamma Release Assay for Diagnosis of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis
- Dual roles of a variable number of tandem repeat polymorphism in the TERT gene in lung cancer
- Estrogen Dermatitis Responding to Leuprolide Acetate
- Material Characterization of Electroplated Nanocrystalline Nickel–Iron Alloys for Micro Electronic Mechanical System
- Polarization States of Ferroelectric Liquid-Crystal in a Twisted Structure
- Pulmonary embolism due to internal jugular vein thrombosis in a patient with non-small cell lung cancer receiving bevacizumab
- Efficient Hole Injection for Top-Emitting Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Nickel Oxide by Oxygen Plasma Treatment
- Effects of Methoxsalen from Poncirus trifoliata on Acetylcholinesterase and Trimethyltin-Induced Learning and Memory Impairment
- Optimal Ratio of Direct/Multi-Hop Forwarding for Network Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Contribution to the international academic activity in biomaterials science between Japan and Korea
- Counts of Common and Atypical Melanocytic Nevi in Korean Young Men : Assessment of Their Risks and Correlations with Associated Factors
- Improved Performance of Pentacene Thin-Film Transistors with AlO Gate Dielectric : Annealing Effect on the Surface Properties
- A case report : Orthodontic treatment of transposition (canine-first premolar) of a child with Down syndrome
- Treatment of a pediatric patient with mouth opening limitation associated with congenital micrognathia and fibrous ankylosis of TMJ
- Rumen microbial response in production of CLA and methane to safflower oil in association with fish oil or/and fumarate