An in vivo approach for Arabidopsis as a model system for cell biology focused on intracellular trafficking
Kim Hee
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University College of Medicine
LEE Sung
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center
Department of Anatomy and Center for Advanced Medical Education by BK21 Project, Inha University Col
Kim Young
Department Of Electronics Engineering Korea Advance Intitute Of Science & Technology
Kim Young
Department Of Life Science And Center For Plant Intracellular Trafficking Pohang University Of Scien
Kim Young
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Lee Sung
Department Of Aerospace Engineering Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
HWANG Inhwan
Department of Life Science, POSTECH
JIN Jing
Department of Geriatric Medicine, School of Medicine, Ehime University
Kim Eul
Department of Life Science and Center for Plant Intracellular Trafficking, Pohang University of Scie
Min Meong
Department of Life Science and Center for Plant Intracellular Trafficking, Pohang University of Scie
Kim Dae
Department Of Anatomy And Center For Advanced Medical Education By Bk21 Project Inha University Coll
Kim Eul
Department Of Life Science And Center For Plant Intracellular Trafficking Pohang University Of Scien
Jin Jing
Department Of Life Science And Center For Plant Intracellular Trafficking Pohang University Of Scien
Hwang Inhwan
Department Of Life Science And Center For Plant Intracellular Trafficking Pohang University Of Scien
Min Meong
Department Of Life Science And Center For Plant Intracellular Trafficking Pohang University Of Scien
Kim Hee
Department Of Anesthesiology Miller School Of Medicine University Of Miami
Jin Jing
Department Of Chemistry And Chemical Biology Baker Laboratory Cornell University
Kim Dae
Department Of Life Science And Center For Plant Intracellular Trafficking Pohang University Of Scien
Kim Hee
Department Of Life Science And Center For Plant Intracellular Trafficking Pohang University Of Scien
Kim Hee
Deparment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University Collge of Medicine
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