- 論文の詳細を見る
Serum IgA levels in 306 patients between the ages of 3 and 14 years with secretory otitis media were measured. In only thirteen patients, the amount of serum IgA was a low level of between 28mg/dl and 77 mg/dl. We tried the insertion of ventilating tubes into such patients and the insertion of ventilating tube into 52 patients with secretory otitis media with a normal range of serum IgA level as the control group.<BR>In the group with a low level of IgA, the tube was extruded spontaneously from the tympanic membrane from 4 to 13 months and their hearing was not improved.<BR>In the control group, the tube was extruded spontaneously from the tympanic membrane from 9 to 20 months and this group showed remarkable improvement in their hearing. This result suggested that serum IgA was significant for prolong factor.
- Japan Society for Pediatric Otorhinolaryngologyの論文
原田 保
阪上 雅史
佐野 光仁
松永 亨
荻野 敏
浅井 英世
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- タイトル無し
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- Banan for Infections Diseases in Children.
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- Electrocochleography of Vestibular Meniere's Disease
- Aspirin-induced asthma and sinusitis.
- Pre-seasonal treatment of cedar pollinosis with histamine-gammaglobulin conjugate (Histaglobin, HG).
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- :II. Clinical Study to Compare it with Other Antihistamines in Respect to an Adverse Side Effect (Drowsiness)
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- Two cases of aspirin-induced asthma (AIA).
- Effect of in vivo treatment with Histamine-Gammaglobulin-Conjugate and histamine contents of several tissues in sensitized guinea pigs.:Conjugate and Histamine Contents of Several Tissues in Sensitized Guinea Pigs
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- Diagnosis of Meniere's disease by electrocochleography
- Histamine Metabolism in Nasal Polyps.
- Clinical Evaluation of an Oral Hemostatic Agent, Opthalm K in Surgery for Paranasal Sinusitis.
- 内リンパ水腫と補体
- Centric and Eccentric VOR Tests in Patients with Meniere's disease
- Action mechanism of Tranilast in secretory otitis media.
- Clinical Evaluation of Tsumura-Saireito in Otitis Media with Effusion.
- Further Observations on Anaphylatoxin Activity in the Cochlear Organ of Guinea Pigs
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- A clinical study of nasal allergy conducted by Osaka University (Report No.8)
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