メニエ-ル病に対するendolymphatic shunt operationの遠隔成績 (メニエ-ル病の研究-5-<特集>)
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The results of postoperative questionnaires to patients with Meniere's disease who had undergone the endolymphatic sac decompression operation (subarachnoid shunt operation) at Osaka University Hospital are reported.In three among the patients with Meniere's disease who had undergone the surgery (Yamakawa & Naito's 1st method) between 1951 and 1956 replied 20 years after the operation (June, 1971).In this reply, two of 3 patients had no further attacks of vertigo, one noted that the vertigo was less frequent and less severe. Two patients noted that tinnitus was decreased. In one patient the tinnitus remained. One patient considered the results successful as regards hearing ability. Two patients considered that their hearing was stabilized. After 30 years (Feb. 1979), two of them replied that their condition was the same as in the previous reply and there was a worsening of hearing in one patient.Another thirteen patients, who had undergone the operation between 1971 and 1977, answered three to eight years after the operation.Four had no further attacks of vertigo, in 6 the vertigo was less frequent, and in 3 it was less severes. Therefore, the vertigo was completely relieved or improved in all these patients. Four patients noted that tinnitus was decreased. In 8 patients the tinnitus was still present. One noted that tinnitus was increased. As for hearing, 2 patients were satisfied with the results. Eight patients considered that their hearing was stabilized, and 3 stated that their hearing had worsened.Subjectively, all the patients were satisfied with the results of the surgery.
松永 喬
松永 亨
佐野 光仁
奥村 新一
田上 悦子
佐野 光仁
荻野 仁
内藤 儁
松永 亨
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