One-Stage Tympanoplasty and Mastoid Obliteration for Cholesteatoma Otitis Media.
- 論文の詳細を見る
One-stage tympanoplasty and mastoid obliteration for cholesteatoma otitis media was performed in 37 ears from November, 1988 through December, 1991. Twenty three received modified type III tympanoplasty for 17 attic type and 6 pars tensa type cholesteatomas, and 14 had modified type N tympanoplasty for 4 attic type and 10 pars tensa type cholesteatomas.A part of the posterior ear canal wall was removed for direct visualization of the cholesteatoma. After complete removal of the cholesteatoma, the mastoid cavity was obliterated with bone chips and cartilage, with bone chips, Palva's flap and cartilage, or with Palva's flap and cartilage. Postoperative hearing was good in 20/23 ears (87.0%) after modified type III tympanoplasty, and in 6/14 ears (42.9%) after modified type N tympanoplasty. Good results were obtained in 18/21 (85.7%) of those with attic type cholesteatomas and in 8/16 (50.0%) of those with pars tensa cholesteatomas. Cholesteatomas recurred in 0/23 ears (0%) after modified type III tympanoplasty and in 2/14 ears (14.3%, pars tensa type) after modified type IV tympanoplasty.These findings suggest that one-stage tympanoplasty and mastoid obliteration is useful, especially for attic type cholesteatomas.
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