- 論文の詳細を見る
Smells and odors provide sense information that can serve to protect an animal from natural enemies. They also provide important information used in maintaining a genus. It has been said that the sense of smell will be lost with evolution, as evidenced by the fact that the sense of smell is not a dominant source of sense information for human beings. However, when suffering from smell disorders, humans newly discover the importance of this sense. In this paper, the physiology of the sense of smell is outlined and clinical examination of patients with smell disorders and dysfunctions are described. Moreover, the "olfactory evoked potential", a novel analytic method, is also presented.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
竹本 市紅
瀬田 敬子
前谷 近秀
肥塚 泉
瀬田 敬子
岡田 能理子
外池 光雄
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- 前庭神経炎の診断および治療における問題点 - 突発性めまい症例の臨床的検討からの考察 -
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- 前庭皮質と前庭失認に関する臨床的検討
- めまい患者の日常生活障害度 - 多変量解析を用いた評価 -
- 279 アスピリン喘息と嗅覚障害
- 超音波ドップラー血流計を用いた循環改善剤の評価について
- 耳鼻科感染症に対するバナンの臨床的検討
- 耳鼻咽喉科領域の小手術におけるレフト-ゼ(シロップ)の出血抑制効果の検討
- Low-Dose Erythromycin Therapy for Olfactory Disorder in Patients with Chronic Paranasal Sinusitis.
- 咽喉頭異常感症への半夏厚朴湯の使用経験
- Pre-Operative ENG Findings in Otitis Media with Cholesteatoma.
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- Three Dimensional Reconstruciton of the Human Inner Ear by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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- Diagnosis of Patients with Vestibular Disorder by Centric and Eccentric VOR
- A case of mixed-type hearing loss induced by barotrauma.
- 嗅覚障害に対するセレポートの効果
- One-Stage Tympanoplasty and Mastoid Obliteration for Cholesteatoma Otitis Media.
- Follow up Study of Patients with Peripheral Labyrinthine Lesions
- Centric and Eccentric VOR Tests in Patients with Meniere's disease
- タイトル無し
- 総合的平衡機能検査装置 (MVM-C2) による Centric 及び Eccentric VOR検査
- 大阪大学嗅覚外来の現況:嗅覚検査法と今後の展望
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