耳管カテーテルを用いた音響耳管検査-鼻入孔部法 (従来法) との比較-
- 論文の詳細を見る
The source of the sound is usually placed in the nasal orifice in order to evaluate tubal function. We compared the accuracy of sonotubometry with a tubal catheter (catheter method) in diagnosing tubal dysfunction with that of the usual method using a nasal olive tip (olive method) in the same subjects.Transmissions of the source sound of 8kHz with one third band noise (maximum 115dB) placed at the base of a tubal catheter were recorded at the external ear canal. Sound amplitude and sound duration were calculated by the changes of the 8kHz sound pressure level during swallowing. A level of sound amplitude of more than 5dB was defined as a positive sign.Some subjects showed no positive signs with the olive method, but positive signs with the catheter method, especially after air insulation. Sound duration with the catheter method was significantly longer than with the olive method, both before and after insulation. The baseline sound, when the subjects was not swallowing, was louder in the catheter method than in the olive method.These results indicate that there is a much higher incidence of positive signs in sonotubometry with a tubal catheter, than when an olive tip is used, especially after air insufflation. We conclude that sonotubometry with a tubal catheter is a more effective way to evaluate tubal function than the ordinary method.
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