Autogenic Training for Patients with Vertigo
- 論文の詳細を見る
Autogenic training (AT), introduced by Schultz and Luthe, is a very popular therapeutic technique in psychosomatic medicine. AT consists of 6 standard somatic exercise steps (heaviness of limbs, warmth of limbs, focus of attention on heart rate, focus of attention on respiration, warmth of solar plexus, coolness of forehead). It is said that AT achieves psychosomatic relaxation by the self-regulation of neuro-vegetative functions.<BR>We examined the effect of AT in 11 patients whose vertigo was difficult to control with medication. Eight patients (72.7%) improved. Especially in patients who were able to master the second step of AT (warmth of limbs) or higher steps, the effect was marked. We conclude that AT is a useful technique, and psychosomatic relaxation is important for patients with vertigo.
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