Clinical evaluation of AA-673 tablets in patients with refrectory perannial nasal allergy.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The therapeutic effects and safety of AA-673 tablets were studied in 54 patients with perennial nasal allergy refractory to other oral antiallergic agents.The patients were prescribed a 50 mg tablet of AA-673 three times daily for 4 weeks.Evaluation of the final global improvement revealed "moderate improvement or better" in 23% of the patients, and "slight improvement or better" in 65%.In comparison between groups of the pretreated agents, the evaluation suggested difference between each groups.Side effects were observed in 4 patients (7.4%), but they were mild and transient.AA-673 tablets were considered to be useful for patients with perennial nasal allergy refractory to other oral antiallergic agents.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
原田 保
野瀬 道宏
吉田 淳一
横山 道明
中西 弘
入船 盛弘
榎本 雅夫
菊守 寛
藤崎 恭大
入船 盛弘
林 泰弘
尾崎 正義
松永 亨
荻野 敏
梅村 仁
寒川 高男
椋代 光夫
大川内 一郎
阿部 能之
坂口 幸作
馬場 謙治
木下 和也
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