Isolation and Identification of Hypotensive Substances in Chlorella Extract
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We attempted isolation of the hypotensive substance contained in hot water extracts of chlorella raw cells. When chlorella extracts were fractionated by gel filtration, fraction E showed a depressive effect. Blood pressure of SHR and SHRSP showed falls of about 60mmHg at 1 hour after intravenous administration and of 30 to 40mmHg at 2 hours after intragastric administration. Fraction E was subsequently purified by passage through a column of Sephadex G-10, and then crystallized from ethanol. Both the crystalline compound and the mother liquor showed hypotensive effects, but the effect of the latter was more potent. The crystalline compound was identified as adenosine by means of chemical and physical methods, and the mother liquor was considered to be a mixture of adenosine and an unknown compound containing glycine. As a result, the hypotensive effect of fraction E on SHR and SHRSP may be ascribable to adenosine or to an oligopeptide with a molecular weight of approximately 200.
- International Heart Journal刊行会の論文
Kakehi Kazuaki
Department Of Biopharmaco Informatics School Of Pharmacy Kinki University
Murakami Tetsuo
Research Institute Of Food Science Kinki University
Okamoto Kozo
Department Of Palhology Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Honda Susumu
Department Of Pharmacy School Of Pharmacy Kinki University
Miyake Hideo
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Mie University
Iizuka Yoshitomi
Research Institute Of Food Science Kinki University
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University
YOKOI Katsumi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
Okamoto Kozo
Department of Clinical Functional Physiology, Toho University
Kakehi Kazuaki
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Kinki University School of Pharmacy
Honda Susumu
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Kinki University
Matsubara Yoshiharu
Department of Applied Chemistry, Kinki University School of Science and Technology
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