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Free amino acids and neutral volatiles in semi-soft cheese ripened mainly with lactose fermenting yeast, Saccharomyces fragilis, were analyzed and the effect of the use of S. fragilis on the changes of these flavor components in cheese during ripening was studied.Free amino acids were determined by amino acid analyzer. The total amount of free amino acids in 3 weeks' ripened yeast cheese was about 7mg/g cheese, which is much higher than that of control cheese ripened only with lactic acid bacteria. But this amount of free amino acids in yeast cheese was less than those reported for hard cheeses and mold ripened cheeses.Neutral volatiles in yeast cheese were analyzed by gas liquid chromatography using Carbowax 1500 and Chromosorb 101 columns. Four aldehydes, 4 methyl ketones, 7 alcohols, 5 esters and dimethyl sulfide were detected in 3 weeks' ripened yeast cheese. The amounts of carbonyl compounds were rather small when compared to various cheeses of other types.The production of methyl ketones alcohols and esters was enhanced by the use of S. fragilis. Especially, the amounts of ethanol, iso and active amylalcohol and ethylacetate were large and these compounds were considered to be responsible to the characteristic flavor of yeast ripened cheese.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
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- 牛乳凝固酵素に関する研究-7-
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