Fundamental Properties of Chemical Mechanical Polishing for Copper Layer Assisted by Optical Radiation Pressure(<Special Issue>Advanced Manufacturing Technology)
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rights: 社団法人日本機械学会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation: IsVersionOf: paper presents a corrective Cu-CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) method for obtaining higher planarized surface by forming laser aggregation particles on recessed areas of uneven copper surface before polishing. At first, the component analysis and formation condition of aggregated particles were investigated, which is obtained by laser irradiation into the slurry on the copper surface. This result indicated that the aggregated marks were purely made of SiO_2 particles contained in slurry and the height of particle aggregation could be controlled by laser irradiation condition. Next, proposed planarization method for uneven surface of copper layer was attempted. As the polishing progressed, the height of aggregated marks was reduced. Then, it was confirmed that the aggregated marks play a role of masks, and no material removal at the bottom surface of recessed areas takes place during the polishing. This process made it possible to realize high planarity on copper surface.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-03-15
Miyoshi Takashi
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Systems, Osaka University
Takaya Yasuhiro
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Systems, Osaka University
高谷 裕浩
Miyoshi Takashi
Department 4 Technology Research Division 2 Honda R&d Co. Ltd. Automobile R&d Center
Takaya Yasuhiro
Department Of Mechanical Engineering And Systems Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
TSUJIO Ryosuke
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Systems, Osaka University
KIMURA Keiichi
Faculty of Education, Saitama University
Kimura Keiichi
Faculty Of Education Saitama University
Tsujio Ryosuke
Department Of Mechanical Engineering And Systems Osaka University
木村 景一
Faculty of Education, Saitama University
高谷 裕浩
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