協調制御を必要としない歩行機械に関する研究(4部 人工の手足)
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Legged locomotion over irregular terrain is composed of body propelling motion and terrain adapting motion. Although conventional walking machines with three active degrees of freedom (d.o.f) for each leg can adapt their feet on irregular ground using flexible leg freedom, such machines generally require a tremendously complex control scheme for the body propelling motion, because cooperational control of leg freedoms in stance is required for a system with several closed kinematic chains between the body and the ground. To cope with this problem, a walking machine with decoupled freedoms, described in this paper, is based on the idea that body propelling motion is realized by only one degree of freedom and can be perfectly decoupled from the freedoms for terrain adaptability. In this type walking machine, the control system is perfectly released from the control of closed kinematic chains. Therefore it can be expected that the control algorithm will become much easier than that of conventional walking machines having three active d.o.f. per each leg. First, the authors discuss such walking machines and make clear the quadruped walking model with minimum active d.o.f. through basic considerations of freedoms of walking machines. Next, according to observations of animal locomotion, a hexapod walking machine (MELWALK) with decoupled freedoms using an approximate straight line mechanism is developed in order to realize faster and simpler walking machines than the quadruped one. As the foot pattern of this walking machine is limited to only one pattern, other kinds of freedoms are established to implement a body direction changing motion and a terrain adapting motion. Rotational freedom other than propulsion is added to implement the body direction changing motion, and extension and contraction freedom to the legs are also added to implement the terrain adapting motion. Although more than two active d.o.f. for each leg are desirable for terrain adaptability, the proposed walking machine has only one active d.o.f. for simplicity. Experiments are carried out to certify the body propelling motion, terrain adapting motion and body direction changing motion. It can be recognized from the trajectory of LED that the body proceeds along an approximate straight line close to an exact one. Body direction changing motion is implemented with relatively high speed. Furthermore in order to check energetic efficiency, the power consumed by DC motor is also measured using MELWALK MARK-I. Several features of the proposed hexapod walking machine are revealed through these experiments.
- バイオメカニズム学会の論文
- 1986-09-25
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