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This paper describes the problem of similarity on walking machines in the energetic efficiency. First of all, five non-dimensional parameters which control the energetic efficiency of walking machines are introduced for nine physical parameters by applying the techniques of dimensional analysis. In order to check those influences on the energetic efficiency, the basic considerations on actuator arrangement and computer simulations are performed for n-legged walking model. The influence on the ground reaction forces caused by the leg inertia forces is especially considered in this simulation. Simulation results and basic explanations on similarity are concluded in the following way : (1) Energetic efficiency (specific resistance) is largely influenced by the body height ratio, even though the same stride ratio is assumed. (2) Energetic efficiency (specific resistance) is influenced linearly by the leg/body mass ratio. (3) Ground reaction forces due to the leg inertia force are not always negligible. (4) Six-legged machines (minimum duty factor=0.5) consume the fewer energy than four-legged machines (minimum duty factor=0.75) in high walking speed, while the result becomes opposite in extremely low speed. (5) Even though two walking machines have the similar configurations and same leg/body mass ratio, energetic efficiencies for both machines are not equal gererally, and same energetic efficiencies are only realized in the limited walking speed.
- 日本ロボット学会,機械技術研究所の論文
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