A Structural Analysis of the HfB_2 (0001) Surface
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-06-30
National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials
AIZAWA Takashi
National Institute for Materials Science, Advanced Materials Laboratory
National Institute of Research in Inorganic Mateerials
Ishizawa Yoshio
National Institute For Research In Inorganec Materials
Ishizawa Yoshio
Institute Of Geoscience The University Of Tsukuba
Isizawa Yoshio
National Institute For Research In Inorganic Materials
Ishizawa Yoshio
National Institute For Research Inorganic Materials
SOUDA Ryutaro
National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials
National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials
Souda R
National Institute For Research In Inorganic Materials
Tanaka Takaho
National Institute For Research In Inorganic Materials
Aizawa Takashi
National Institute For Research In Inorganic Materials
Shimizu R
Department Of Information Science Osaka Institute Of Technology
Shimizu R
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Ishizawa Y
National Institute For Research In Inorganic Materials
Tanaka Takaho
National Institute For Research In Inorganic Material
Souda Ryutaro
National Institute For Materials Research
Shimizu Ryuichi
Department of Information Processing, Osaka Institute of Technology
Tanaka Takaho
National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, Japan
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