Satsuki: An Integrated Processor Synthesis and Compiler Generation System (Special Issue on Synthesis and Verification of Hardware Design)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Entire systems on a chip (SOCs) embodying a processor, memory, and system-specific peripheral hardware are now an everyday reality. The current generation of SOC designers are driven more than ever by the need to lower chip cost, while at the same time being faced with demands to get designs to market more quickly. It was to support this new community of designers that we developed Satsuki-an integrated processor synthesis and compiler generation system. By allowing the designer to tune the processor design to the bit-width and performance required by the application, minimum cost designs are achieved. Using synthesis to implement the processor in the same technology as the rest of the chip, allows for global chip optimization from the perspective of the system as a whole and assures design portability. The integral compiler generator, driven by the same parameters used for processor synthesis, promotes high-level expression of application algorithms while at the same time isolating the application software from the processor implementation. Synthesis experiments incorporating a 0.8 micron CMOS gate array have produced designs ranging from a 45MHz, 1,500 gate, 8-bit processor with a 4-word register file to a 31MHz, 9,800 gate, 32-bit processor with a 16-word register file.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-10-25
Tomiyama Hiroyuki
Graduate School Of Information Science Nagoya University
Tomiyama Hiroyuki
The Department Of Computer Science And Communication Engineering Graduate School Of Information Scie
Tomiyama Hiroyuki
The Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University
Yasuura Hiroto
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Science Kyushu University
Koizumi Hisao
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
YASUDA Mitsuhiro
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Takada H
Graduate School Of Information Science Nagoya University
Tomiyama H
Department Of Information Engineering The Graduate School Of Information Science Nagoya University
Takada H
Department Of Information Engineering The Graduate School Of Information Science Nagoya University
小泉 寿男
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
Tomiyama H
Graduate School Of Information Science Nagoya University
Shackleford B
Hewlett‐packard Lab. Ca Usa
Shackleford Barry
Hewlett-packard Laboratories
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