Hardware Framework for Accelerating the Execution Speed of a Genetic Algorithm (Special Issue on New Concept Device and Novel Architecture LSIs)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Genetic algorithms were introduced by Holland in 1975 as a method of solving difficult optimization problems by means of simulated evolution. A major drawback of genetic algorithms is their slowness when emulated by software on conventional computers. Described is an adaptation of the original genetic algorithm that is advantageous to hardware implementation along with the architecture of a hardware framework that performs the functions of population storage, selection, crossover, mutation, fitness evaluation, and survival determination. Programming of the framework is illustrated with the set coverage problem that exhibits a 6,000×speed-up over software emulation on a 100 MHz workstation.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1997-07-25
Koizumi Hisao
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
SEO Katsuhiko
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
YASUDA Mitsuhiro
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Iwamoto T
Keio Univ. Fujisawa‐shi Jpn
小泉 寿男
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Shackleford B
Hewlett‐packard Lab. Ca Usa
Shackleford Barry
Hewlett-packard Laboratories
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