酵素剤利用による清酒醸造に関する研究 : (第3報) 実地醸造におけるAmylaseの動態について
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In the preceding papers, one of the authors reported the physical and chemical actions of amylases on rice and condluded that the adsorption of α-amylase on steamed rice was likely caused by filtration by the steamed rice structures. The constitutents of hydrol (enzymatic digestive solutions) are sufficient nutrients for Saccharomyces sake in the fermentation of diluted solutions.This paper discusses behaviours of amylase during the moromi making. In stead of koji enzymatic preparations were used in this study. Their enzymatic activities were adjusted to equalize with the koji activites as a rule. When koji is used in the Sake brewing, the change pattem of α-amylase content has a high and sharp peak aroung the seventh day of the mioromi processing, but the change pattern depends upon the time of koji addition. The reason of this may be that the enzymes extracted from koji are not adsorbed by steamed rice (sturated with water), and therefore, they accumulate in the liquid phase. On the other hand, the peak in the α-amylase content was comparatively low in case that enzymatic preparations were used. Its peak was preceded by a gentle slotle in the change pattern. This happened perhaps because α-amylase separated from rice starch and also the speed of this separation was faster than that of the increase in volume of the liquid phase.The change patterns of s-amylase in both cases have no peaks. The reason of this may be that this enzyme is not adsorbed by steamed rice and it can be extracted readily from koji.Digestion by these enzymatic preparations, especially Biodiastase produced much sludge. This sludge consists of small particles of steamed rice and it still had a large α-amylase adsorption capactiy.This occurred by the action of α-amylase adsorbed densely on the surface of steamed rice structures. The fermentation may have been inhibited by the sludge formation. But this inhibition was due to the α-amylase sction. This undesirable inhibition can be prevented considerably by decreasing α-amylase adsorption by steamed rice. For instance, the use of an enzymatic in a tablet form is very helpful for this purpose.The products made from the enzymatic preparations were by no means inferior to the controls made from Koji.It is possible to produce different types of sake with variant consitutents of sugars by proper combinations of there enzymatic preparations.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1969-04-25
柴田 正人
山下 勝
名城大 農
山下 勝
徳村 治彦
山田 鍾美
山田 鐘美
酒井 達也
正井 成之
梅村 泰一
秋田 利彦
大倉 鎮美
河村 稔
徳村 治彦
徳村 治彦
秋田 利彦
山下 勝
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