- 論文の詳細を見る
A simple method for the estimation of the production rate of ethanol in an alcohol fermentation was developed.Amounts of gases in the exhaust from a fermentor ware estimated with a gas meter and subsequently applied for the calculation of the ethanol amount.The method involves a simple experimental system and is suggested to be applicable to the control on an industrial scale of alcohol production and sake or beer wort fermentation.Using the method, the following results were obtained. 1) The content of alcohol plus water in the exhaust gases increased linearly with increasing fermentation temperature and alcohol concentration in the amsh filtrate. 2) The dissolved CO_2 concentration in the mash was porooportional to the temperature, the alcohol concentration and pressure. 3) During the initial period of the fermentation, the overall reaction for ethanol produciton did not exactly follow the equation of Gay-Lussac because of growth of yeast.After the cell growth was finished, the reaction followed the Gay-Lussac equation. 4) The concentration of alcohol in the mash filtrate can be calculated using the following four estimated values, density of mash filtrate, ethanol concentration in the exhaust gases, and initial amounts of polished rice and water. 5) The exhaustion rate of gases was decreased by strong agitation of the sake-mash and 3 to 4 hr incubation was required for recovery to the original level.Mild agitation or the other usual operations which are required for the fermentation process did not show any significant effect on the exhaustion rate.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1979-11-25
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