サマック(Macharanga grandifolia Linn.)樹皮の乳酸菌に対する生育阻害作用
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We studied the growth inhibition of lactic acid bacteria by samac bark added to basi (Philippine sugarcane wine).1. It was found that the inhibitory substance for the growth of lactic acid bacteria is the polyphenol component, since the growth of lactic acid bacteria was not inhibited by the aqueous extract of samac bark after removal of the polyphenol component by precipitation with gelatin. We suspect that the combination of polyphenols with protein might inhibit the bacteria.2. Both outer and inner solutions after dialysis inhibited the growth of lactic acid bacteria, but the growth inhibition by the inner solution was greater than the outer solution, and most polyphenol components remained in the inner solution. Therefore, we suspected that the polyphenol component of polymers greatly inhibit the growth of lactic acid bacteria.3. Lactic acid bacteria grown in a medium with the aqueous extract of samac bark were aggregated, and the surfaces of the cells were covered with granular matter.4. The fact that oxidation-reduction potential of aqueous suspensions of lactic acid bacteria were lowered when the cell surface was covered with adhered matter suggests that the adhered matter is polyphenols which act as reductant, and adhesion of polyphenol components to the cell surface is presumed to be related to the growth inhibition of lactic acid bacteria.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1986-09-25
飯樋 洋二
村 清司
飯樋 洋二
谷村 和八郎
谷村 和八郎
飯樋 洋二
谷村 和八郎
谷村 和八郎
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