Serum Thiocyanate Concentration as an Indicator of Smoking in Relation to Deaths from Cancer
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All residents aged 40 years or more in Oyabe City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan were involved in an annual medical check-up between 1987 and 1988. The cohort was followed and death certificates from cancers were confirmed prospectively. During follow-up to December 31st, 1994, 100 deaths (28 gastric, 17 lung and 55 other cancers) from cancers occurred, and these subjects were included in this study as the case group. Subjects in the control group, matched for gender and age with the cases, were selected randomly from participants whose serum samples had been stocked during annual medical check-up. The concentration of serum thiocyanate in all (79.8 μmol/l), gastric (86.7 μmol/l) and lung (90.0 μmol/l) cancer patients were significantly higher than that of relevant controls (64.3 μmol/l, 59.0 μmol/l and 61.0 μmol/l, respectively ; and p<0.001, p<0.001 and p<0.05, respectively). After adjusting for BMI, blood pressure and total serum cholesterol, the results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of all cancers (OR=3.40, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) : 1.67-6.96, p<0.01), gastric cancer (OR=7.98, 95% CI : 1.91-33.34, p<0.05) and lung cancer (OR=8.83, 95% CI : 1.91-65.65, p<0.05) were elevated significantly with logarithm transformed values of serum thiocyanate increased. The present findings suggested that in epidemiological studies confirmation of smoking status with biomarkers such as serum thiocyanate may be important, although considering the small sample size, a relatively weaker risk to interested factors rather than the strong relationship between smoking and cancer was noted.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
Department of Welfare Promotion and Epidemiology, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Wang Hailan
Guangdong Poison Control Center
Wang Hailan
Nakagawa Hideaki
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Kanazawa Medical University
School of Nursing, Toyama University
Department of Community Health and Gerontological Nursing, Toyama University
Wang Hailan
Department Of Occupational And Environmental Health Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hamajima N
Department Of Preventive Medicine-biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
Naruse Y
School Of Nursing Toyama University
Naruse Yuchi
Fac. Of Medicine School Of Nursing Toyama Univ.
Nakagawa H
Department Of Public Health Kanazawa Medical University
WANG Hongbing
Department of Physiology and Neuroscience Program, Michigan State University
Wang Hongbing
Department Of Welfare Promotion And Epidemiology Graduate School Of Medical And Pharmaceutical Scien
Wang Hongbing
Department Of Physiology And Neuroscience Program Michigan State University
Kagamimori S
Department Of Welfare Promotion And Epidemiology Faculty Of Medicine University Of Toyama
Kagamimori Sadanobu
聖マリアンナ医科大学 予防医学
Kagamimori Sadanobu
Department Of Community Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Hamanishi Shimako
Department Of Welfare Promotion And Epidemiology Toyama Medical
Sayama M
Department Of Material Systems Engineering And Life Science Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
Sayama Michio
Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
SEKINE Michikazu
Department of Welfare Promotion and Epidemiology, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Department of Welfare Promotion and Epidemiology, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Kagamimori Sadanobu
Department Of Welfare Promotion And Epidemiology Graduate School Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Scie
Nakagawa Hideaki
Department Of Epidemiology And Public Health Kanazawa Medical University
Sakai Hideo
Department Of Welfare Promotion And Epidemiology Toyama Medical
Yokokawa Hiroshi
Department Of Welfare Promotion And Epidemiology Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University Facult
Sekine Michikazu
Department Of Welfare Promotion And Epidemiology Graduate School Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Scie
Nakagawa Hideaki
Department of Clinical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University
Naruse Yuchi
Department of Community and Geriatric Nursing, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University
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