Serum Pepsinogen Values and Helicobacter pylori Status among Control Subjects of a Nested Case-Control Study in the JACC study
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BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori infection and serum pepsinogen values are strongly related with stomach cancer. The aim of this study was to know what were these factors among general population.METHODS: Subjects were randomly selected 633 control subjects in a nested case-control study for risk of stomach cancer. Most of them were from rural areas of Japan. Using frozen sera, pepsinogen I (PG I) and II (PG II) values and H. pylori antibody were measured. Those with PG I less than 50 ng/mL and the ratio of PG I to PG II (PG I/II) was less than 2.0 were defined as severe, those with PG I less than 70 ng/ml and PG I/II less than 3.0 were defined as mild and the other subjects were defined as no serological atrophy.RESULTS: About 70% of the subjects were H. pylori seropositive and the seroprevalence did not depend on age or sex. Percentages of those with severe serological atrophy increased with age from 10% in those aged 40-49 years to 38% in 70 and more, and percentages of those with mild serological atrophy were about 30% independent of age.CONCLUSIONS: The subjects, who were expected to represent populations of rural area of Japan, had high prevalence of both H. pylori infection and serological atrophy of gastric mucosa. These facts should be considered in discussing results of the nested case-control study.J Epidemiol 2005; 15: S126-S133.
- 日本疫学会の論文
- 2005-06-01
Department of Preventive Medicine/Biostatistics and Medical Decision Making, Nagoya University Gradu
大和 浩
TOKUI Noritaka
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occu
MIZOUE Tetsuya
Department of Preventive Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Department of Public Health, Showa University School of Medicine
Department of Public Health/Health Information Dynamics, Field of Social Life Science, Program in He
KONDO Takaaki
Department of Medical Technology, Nagoya University School of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
Department of Public Health/Health Information Dynamics, Field of Social Life Science, Program in He
Department of Epidemiology, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima Univers
Lin Y
Department Of Public Health-health Information Dynamics Field Of Social Life Science Nagoya Universi
Kondo Takaaki
Department Of Cardiology Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
MIZOUE Tetsuya
International Medical Center of Japan
Tsubono Y
Division Of Health Policy Tohoku University School Of Public Policy
Tsubono Yoshitaka
宮城県立がんセンター研究所 疫学部
Mizoue Tetsuya
Department Of Preventive Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Mizoue Tetsuya
九州大学 医学部予防医学
Kikuchi S
Aichi Medical Univ. Aichi Jpn
Kikuchi Shogo
愛知医科大学 医学部公衆衛生学講座
Kikuchi Shogo
Department Of Public Health Aichi Medical University School Of Medicine
Kikuchi S
Juntendo Univ. School Of Medicine Jpn
Tokui Noritaka
Department Of Clinical Epidemiology Institute Of Industrial Ecological Sciences University Of Occupa
Tokui Noritaka
Tokui Noritaka
富山医科薬科大学 保健医学
FUJINO Yoshihisa
Fukuoka Institute of Occupational Health
YAGYU Kiyoko
Department of Public Health, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
Department of Public Health, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
LIN Yingsong
Department of Public Health, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
SAKATA Kiyoshi
Department of Public Health, Wakayama Medical University
Asama General Hospital
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Industrial Ecological Science, University of Occup
Kurisu Yoko
武庫川女子大学 生活環境学部
Toyoshima Hideaki
Department Of Medical Cardiology National Cardiovascular Center
Toyoshima Hideaki
Tamakoshi Akiko
京都府立医科大学 地域保健医療疫学
Tamakoshi Akiko
Department Of Epidemiology National Institute For Longevity Sciences
Ohno Y
Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
Ohno Yoshiyuki
名古屋大学 医学系研究科予防医学
Hamajima N
Department Of Preventive Medicine-biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
Obata Yuki
愛知医科大学 公衆衛生学
Obata Yuki
Department Of Public Health Aichi Medical University School Of Medicine
Obata Yuki
Department Of Chemical Engineering And Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Doshisha University
Yingsong Lin
愛知医科大学 医学部公衆衛生学
Yagyu Kiyoko
Department Of Public Health Aichi Medical University School Of Medicine
Yagyu Kiyoko
Department Of Public Health Aichi Medical University
Sakata K
Department Of Clinical Epidemiology Institute Of Industrial Ecological Science University Of Occupat
Sakata K
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Yoshida Takashi
Division Of Breast Surgery Saitama Cancer Center
Taguchi Naoto
Department Of Preventive Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Saga University
Yatsuya Hiroshi
Department Of Pubic Health Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Nakagawa H
Department Of Public Health Kanazawa Medical University
Tamakoshi Akiko
Department Of Clinical Trials National Center For Geriatrics And Gerontology
Sakata Kiyoshi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Hiroshima University
Yoshimura Takesumi
Department Of Clinical Epidemiology Institute Of Industrial Ecological Science University Of Occupat
Tsubono Yoshitaka
Division Of Health Policy Tohoku University School Of Public Policy
Kikuchi Shogo
Department Of Epidemiology And Environmental Health Juntendo University School Of Medicine
Takei Hiroyuki
Second Department Of Surgery
Mizoue T
Department Of Preventive Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Kyushu University
Takei Hiroyuki
Division Of Breast Surgery Saitama Cancer Center
Yokoe Takao
Fukuoka Institute Of Health And Environmental Sciences
Mizoue Tetsuya
Department Of Clinical Epidemiology Institute Of Industrial Ecological Science University Of Occupat
Fujino Yoshihisa
Department Of Preventive Medicine Annd Community Health School Of Medicine University Of Occupationa
Hoshiyama Yoshihiro
Department Of Public Health Showa University School Of Medicine
Hoshiyama Yoshiharu
Department Of Human Sciences University Of Human Arts And Sciences
Tomata Yasutake
Division Of Epidemiology Department Of Public Health And Forensic Medicine Tohoku University Graduat
Fujino Yoshihisa
産業医科大学 公衆衛生学
Yoshimura Takesumi
Department Of Clinical Epidemiology Institute Of Industrial Ecological Sciences University Of Occupa
Mizoue Tetsuya
Department Of Epidemiology And International Health Research Institute National Center For Global He
Hayakawa Norihiko
Department Of Epidemiology And Social Medicine Research Institute For Nuclear Medicine And Biology H
Lin Yingsong
Department Of Public Health Aichi Medical University School Of Medicine
Tokui Noritaka
Department Of Preventive Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Saga University
Mizoue Tetsuya
Department Of Epidemiology And Prevention International Clinical Research Center National Center For Global Health And Medicine
Yoshimura Takesumi
Department of Clinical Epidemiology
Hoshiyama Yoshiharu
Department of Epidemiology at Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute
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