Hamajima N | Department Of Preventive Medicine-biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
- 同名の論文著者
- Department Of Preventive Medicine-biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Graduaの論文著者
Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Ito Yoshinori
札幌医科大学 医学部公衆衛生学
Nakagawa Hideaki
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Kanazawa Medical University
Ito Yoshinori
Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
Department of Preventive Medicine/Biostatistics and Medical Decision Making, Nagoya University Gradu
Wakai K
Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
ITO Yoshinori
Department of Public Health, Fujita Health University School of Health Sciences
Miura Katsuyuki
Department of Health Science, Shiga University of Medical Science
Ito Yoshinori
Department Of Public Health Fujita Health University School Of Health Sciences
Kondo Takaaki
Department Of Cardiology Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Public Health, Fujita Health University School of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health/Health Information Dynamics, Field of Social Life Science, Program in He
Ichimiya Hitoshi
Division Of Surgery Hamanomachi General Hospital
Ito Hidemi
愛知県がんセンター研究所 疫学・予防部
Department of Epidemiology, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima Univers
Wakai Kenji
愛知県がんセンター研究所 疫学予防部
Miura S
Division Of Molecular Medicine Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
城戸 照彦
School Of Health Sciences Kanazawa University
Kido Teruhiko
金沢医科大学 健康増進予防医学
KONDO Takaaki
Department of Medical Technology, Nagoya University School of Health Sciences
Takebayashi T
Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health School Of Medicine Keio University
Hashimoto S
Department Of Hygiene Fujita Health University School Of Medicine
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
大和 浩
Department of Public Health/ Health Information Dynamics, Program in Health and Community Medicine,
Ito H
Division Of Epidemiology And Prevention Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
上島 通浩
名古屋大学 衛生
Kamijima Michihiro
名古屋大学 医学部保健学科検査技術科学専攻
Maeda S
Center For Hematopoietic Disorders Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital The Ohta Foundation
Seto M
Department Of Hematology And Chemotherapy
Kida M
Nagoya City Univ. Graduate School Of Medical Sci.
Department of Physiologic Laboratory, National Cardiovascular Center
WATANABE Yoshiyuki
Department of Epidemiology for Community Health and Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medici
Tobinai K
Hematology And Stem Cell Transplantation Divisions National Cancer Center Hospital
Department of Public Health/Health Information Dynamics, Field of Social Life Science, Program in He
Kishimoto Yuji
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Kansai Medical University
Wakai Kenji
愛知医科大学 医学部公衆衛生学講座
ITO Hidemi
Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Mizuno Kyoichi
日本医科大学 内科学
Takagi K
Department Of Medical Technology Nagoya University School Of Health Sciences
Seto Masao
東京大学医学部附属病院 無菌治療部
Seto M
Aichi Cancer Center Res. Inst. Nagoya
MATSUO Keitaro
Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
KATO Tomoyuki
Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital
OZASA Kotaro
Department of Epidemiology for Community Health and Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medici
橋本 周司
早稲田大学理工学術院 先進理工学研究科
Department of Public Health, Wakayama Medical University
INOUE Manami
Divisions of Epidemiology & Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Nakao Kazuwa
Department Of Medicine And Clinical Science Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
National Cancer Center Hospital
INOUE Takashi
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Iwate Medical University
Ueshima Hirotsugu
Department of Health Science, Shiga University of Medical Science
喜多 義邦
Division Of Preventive Cardiology National Cardiovascular Center
森田 えみ
TOKUI Noritaka
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occu
MIZOUE Tetsuya
Department of Preventive Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Department of Public Health, Showa University School of Medicine
Department of Public Health, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
Tomoike Hitonobu
国立循環器病センター 疫学部
Tomoike Hitonobu
国立循環器病センター研究所 疫学部
MIZOUE Tetsuya
International Medical Center of Japan
Tsubono Y
Division Of Health Policy Tohoku University School Of Public Policy
Tsubono Yoshitaka
宮城県立がんセンター研究所 疫学部
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Aichi Cancer Center Central Hospital
Takahashi Takashi
Division of Molecular Carcinogenesis, Department of Oncology, Center for Neurological Diseases and C
SUZUKI Takashi
Department of Biochemistry, University of Shizuoka, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Core Research
森田 えみ
Lin Y
Department Of Public Health-health Information Dynamics Field Of Social Life Science Nagoya Universi
Ueshima Hirotsugu
Dep. Of Health Sci. Shiga Univ. Of Medical Sci.
Ueshima Hirotsugu
滋賀大学 医学部健康科学科
Hisamichi S
Tohoku University 21st Century Coe Program 'comprehensive Research And Education Center For Pla
Totsune Kazuhito
東北大学 臨床薬学
KODERA Yoshihisa
Department of Hematology, Japanese Red Cross Nagoya First Hospital
橋本 周司
Saitoh Shigeyuki
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Sapporo Medical University
Yoshita Katsushi
Nutritional Epidemiology Program, National Institute of Health and Nutrition
ASOU Norio
Department of Hematology, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
KATO Shunichi
Department of Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
UESHIMA Hirotsugu
Shiga University of Medical Science
Toshima H
The Third Department Of Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Okuda Nagako
Department of Health Science, Shiga University of Medical Science
Okamura Tomonori
Department of Preventive Cardiology, National Cardiovascular center
Kadowaki Takashi
Department of Health Science, Shiga University of Medical Science
Kitabatake Akira
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
OGURA Michinori
Department of Hematology and Cell Therapy, Aichi Cancer Center
Department of Hematology and Cell Therapy, Aichi Cancer Center
KAGAMI Yoshitoyo
Department of Hematology and Cell Therapy, Aichi Cancer Center
TANAKA Taichiro
Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi
Department of Welfare Promotion and Epidemiology, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Tobinai Kensei
東海大学 医学部
YAMAMURA Yoshitaka
Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital
Department of Clinical Pathology, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital
Kawano Yuhei
国立循環器病センター 高血圧腎臓内科
KAWA Keisei
Department of Hematology/Oncology, Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Chil
Nakamura Y
Department Of Public Health Jichi Medical University
Department of Health Informatics, Kyoto University School of Public Health
Department of Preventive Cardiology, National Cardiovascular Center
Kaneda Yasufumi
Division Of Gene Therapy Science Osaka University
Kido Teruhiko
School Of Health Sciences Kanazawa University
Wang Hailan
Guangdong Poison Control Center
Wang Hailan
Nakamura Koshi
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Kanazawa Medical University
Suzuki Takeshi
Department of Internal Medicine, Nippon Medical School
Toshima Hironori
The 3rd Department Of Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Department of Planning and Information, Aichi Prefectural Institute of Public Health
HIRAI Takashi
Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital
YOKOYAMA Mitsuhiro
Hyogo Prefectural Awaji Hospital
KAMIJIMA Michihiro
Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medic
NOSE Takayuki
Department of Physics, The Cancer Institute, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Furukawa Yutaka
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital
NAOE Tomoki
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
OHNO Ryuzo
Aichi Cancer Center
KIYOI Hitoshi
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Center for Hematopoietic Disorders, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital, The Ohta Foundation
EMI Nobuhiko
Department of Hematology, Fujita Health University
Hara Megumi
Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Higaki Yasuki
Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Imaizumi Takeshi
Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Taguchi Naoto
Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Nakamura Kazuyo
Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Nanri Hinako
Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Sakamoto Tatsuhiko
Fukuoka Prefectural Government, Asakura Health Welfare Environment Office
Horita Mikako
Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Shinchi Koichi
Division of International Health and Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Tanaka Keitaro
Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Sao Hiroshi
Department of Hematology, Meitetsu Hospital
Nakamura Yosikazu
Department of Public Health, Jichi Medical University
Hiraoka Hospital
Nihon University
Turin Tanvir
Department of Health Science, Shiga University of Medical Science
Department of Preventive Cardiology, National Cardiovascular Center
The First Institute for Health Promotion and Health Care, Japan Anti-tuberculosis Association
SAITOH Shigeyuki
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
Fukuoka Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences
Mizuno Kyoichi
Division Of Cardiology Hepatology Geriatrics And Integrated Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine
Matsuda Koichi
Department Of Internal Medicine Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Saito Shigeru
Department of Cardiology, Teikyo University Hospital
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kan
Mizuno Kyoichi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Nippon Medical School
Department of Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, Univer
Takamura Toshinari
金沢大学 大学院医学系研究科恒常性制御学
Takamura T
Dep. Of Disease Control And Homeostasis Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School Of Medical Sci. 13-1 Takara-m
Takamura Toshinari
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Takamura Toshinari
金沢大学 第1内科
Kotani Yasushi
国立循環器病センター 予防検診
Furukawa Yutaka
Department Of Cardiology Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital
Furukawa Yutaka
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hishida Hitoshi
Department Of Internal Medicine Fujita Health University School Of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics, Ibaraki Children's Hospital
NAKAHATA Tatsutoshi
Department of Pediatrics, Kyoto University
Tobinai Kensei
国立がんセンター中央病院 血液内科グループ
FUJINO Yoshihisa
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occu
KUBO Tatsuhiko
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occu
Katayama Y
Division Of Hematology Saitama Medical Center Jichi Medical University
Kosakai Yoshio
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery National Cardiovascular Center
Kamijima Michihiro
Nagoya Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Nagoya Jpn
Kamijima Michihiro
Department Of Occupational And Environmental Health Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medica
Nose Takayuki
久留米大学 医学部公衆衛生学
Division of Hematology-Oncology, Children's Medical Center, the Japanese Red Cross Nagoya First Hosp
Nomura Yoshiaki
Department of Preventive Dentistry and Public Health, Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine
Hanada Nobuhiro
Department of Oral Health, National Institute of Public Health
Suzuki Hiroshi
Department of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University
Department of Hematology, Atomic Disease Institute, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Kaneko Yoshihiro
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Yokohama City University Hospital
Tokunaga Katsushi
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Therapeutics Tohoku University Graduate School Of Pharmaceut
Totsune Kazuhito
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Therapeutics Tohoku University Graduate School Of Pharmaceut
KUSAKA Yukinori
Department of Environmental Health, School of Medicine, University of Fukui
Nakamura Y
Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science University Of Tokyo
Takamura Toshinari
Dep. Of Disease Control And Homeostasis Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School Of Medical Sci. 13-1 Takara-m
Nose Takayuki
Department Of Physics The Cancer Institute Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Department of Hematology and Oncology JA Aichi Konan Kosei Hospital
Department of Hematology and Oncology JA Aichi Konan Kosei Hospital
SAWA Masashi
Department of Hematology, Anjo Kosei Hospital
Kokubo Yoshihiro
国立循環器病センター研究所 疫学部
Kokubo Yoshihiro
愛媛大学 医学系研究科医療環境情報解析学講座公衆衛生健康医学
Department of Molecular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
OGAWA Hiroyasu
Department of Molecular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
IKEGAME Kazuhiro
Department of Molecular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Kitabatake Akira
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sato Yukihito
Department of Cardiovasucular Medicine, Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki Hospital
Department of Anatomic and Diagnostic Pathology, Dokkyo University School of Medicine
Nakamura Shigeo
群馬県立がんセンター 病理検査
NISHINO Yoshikazu
Division of Epidemiology, Miyagi Cancer Center Research Institute
Division of Public Health, Tohoku University School of Medicine
HOZAWA Atsushi
Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Science, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medi
Oshima A
Cancer Patients Information Services Osaka Medical Center For Cancer And Cardiovascular Disease
Hozawa Atsushi
滋賀大学 医学部健康科学科
Hozawa Atsushi
滋賀医科大学 福祉保健医学
Sato Yukihito
Department Of Cardiology Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki Hospital
Takashima Naoyuki
Department of Health Science, Shiga University of Medical Science
Okayama Akira
First Institute of Health Service, Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association
Kyoto City Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences
Mitamura H
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Mori Mitsuru
札幌医科大学 医学部公衆衛生学
Mori Mitsuru
札幌医科大学 泌尿器科
SUZUKI Takeshi
Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
KURIKI Kiyonori
Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital
- Marital Status and Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Middle-aged Japanese Male Workers : The High-risk and Population Strategy for Occupational Health Promotion (HIPOP-OHP) Study
- Dietary Habits and Stomach Cancer Risk in the JACC Study
- Meat, milk, saturated fatty acids, the Pro12Ala and C161T polymorphisms of the PPARγ gene and colorectal cancer risk in Japanese
- Significant association of interleukin 8-251T/A polymorphism with smoking behavior in a Japanese population
- Association between Smoking Habits and Dopamine Receptor D2 Taql A A2 Allele in Japanese Males : a Confirmatory Study
- A Limited Association of OGG1 Ser326Cys Polymorphism for Adenocarcinoma of the Lung
- Burnout and Risk Factors for Arteriosclerotic Disease : Follow-up Study
- Evaluation of the Effects of Shift Work on Nutrient Intake : A Cross-sectional Study
- Dietary Intake of Fatty Acids and Serum C-reactive Protein in Japanese
- Gender Differences in the Association between Anthropometric Indices of Obesity and Blood Pressure in Japanese
- The Association between Job Demand, Control and Depression in Workplaces in Japan
- Sickness Absence and Shift Work among Japanese Factory Workers
- Serum Pepsinogen Values and Helicobacter pylori Status among Control Subjects of a Nested Case-Control Study in the JACC study
- Serum Levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor I, II, and Binding Protein 3, Transforming Growth Factor β-1, Soluble Fas Ligand and Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Stomach Cancer Cases and Their Controls in the JACC Study
- Green Tea and Stomach Cancer : A Short Review of Prospective Studies
- Factors Influencing Participation Rate in a Baseline Survey of a Genetic Cohort in Japan
- Association between Interleukin-1B C-31T Polymorphism and Obesity in Japanese
- Association of a Polymorphism in the Ornithine Decarboxylase Gene with Whole Blood Polyamine Concentrations in a Non-smoking Healthy Population
- Cardiovascular Disease Mortality and Serum Carotenoid Levels : a Japanese Population-based Follow-up Study
- Genotype Announcement to Japanese Smokers Who Attended a Health Checkup Examination
- Colorectal Cancer and Serum C-reactive Protein Levels : a Case-control Study Nested in the JACC Study
- Glucose Intolerance and Colorectal Cancer Risk in a Nested Case-Control Study among Japanese People
- Alcohol Consumption and Colorectal Cancer Risk : Findings from the JACC Study
- Medical History of Circulatory Diseases and Colorectal Cancer Death in the JACC Study
- Epidemiologic and Clinical Characteristics of Cardiomyopathies in Japan : Results From Nationwide Surveys
- G-Protein β3 Subunit Gene Variant is Unlikely to Have a Significant Influence on Serum Uric Acid Level in Japanese Workers
- BMI-1 Is Highly Expressed in M0-Subtype Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- Associations of TNF-A-1031TT and -857TT genotypes with Helicobacter pylori seropositivity and gastric atrophy among Japanese Brazilians
- Lifestyle factors associated with atrophic gastritis among Helicobacter pylori-seropositive Japanese-Brazilians in Sao Paulo
- Helicobacter pylori Seropositivity among 963 Japanese Brazilians According to Sex, Age, Generation, and Lifestyle Factors
- Association of Lewis and Secretor gene polymorphisms and Helicobacter pylori seropositivity among Japanese-Brazilians
- Relation of Serum C-reactive Protein Level to Obesity and Fat Distribution in Japanese
- Depressive Mood and Suicide Among Middle-Aged Workers : Findings from a Prospective Cohort Study in Nagoya, Japan
- Prognosis and Prognostic Factors in Patients With Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Japan : Results From a Nationwide Study
- Dietary Salt Intake and Blood Pressure in a Representative Japanese Population : Baseline Analyses of NIPPON DATA80
- Impact of Established Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Nulligravid Japanese Women
- Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) Genotype Affects Rectal Cancer Susceptibility Due to Alcohol Consumption
- Polymorphism of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD) Cys29Arg and risk of six malignancies in Japanese
- Oral health status and health-related quality of life: a systematic review
- Prognostic Significance of CD7^+CD56^+ Phenotype and Chromosome 5 Abnormalities for Acute Myeloid Leukemia M0
- Current Status of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Adult Patients with Hematologic Diseases and Solid Tumors in Japan
- Association of p53 Codon Arg72Pro and p73 G4C14-to-A4T14 at Exon 2 Genetic Polymorphisms with the Risk of Japanese Breast Cancer
- Smoking Rates and Attitudes to Smoking Among Medical Students: A 2009 Survey at the Nagoya University School of Medicine
- Baseline data of Shizuoka area in the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study (J-MICC Study)
- Reduced risk of endometrial cancer from alcohol drinking in Japanese
- Serum Folate and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) C677T Polymorphism Adjusted for Folate Intake
- Smoking Cessation After Genotype Notification: Pilot Studies of Smokers Employed by a Municipal Government and Those on Nagoya University Medical Campus
- No Association Between Helicobacter Pylori Seropositivity and Ornithine Decarboxylase (ODC) A317G Polymorphism, and No Modification by NAD(P)H : Qinone Oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) C609T
- Health literacy education for children: acceptability of a school-based program in oral health
- Association between Smoking Habits and Tryptophan Hydroxylase Gene C218A Polymorphism among the Japanese Population
- Cigarette smoking and the risk of ovarian cancer in the Japanese population : Findings from the Japanese Collaborate Cohort study
- A prospective study of reproductive and menstrual factors and colon cancer risk in Japanese women : Findings from the JACC study
- A prospective study on the possible association between having children and colon cancer risk : Findings from the JACC Study
- Smoking and Colorectal Cancer in a Non-Western Population : a Prospective Cohort Study in Japan
- NAD(P)H : quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQ01) C609T polymorphism and the risk of eight cancers for Japanese
- Foods and beverages in relation to urothelial cancer : Case-control study in Japan
- Physical exercise reduces risk of breast cancer in Japanese women
- Transforming Growth Factor B1 T29C Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Risk in Japanese Women
- Environmental Factors and Risk of Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy : A Multi-Hospital Case-Control Study in Japan
- Validity and Reliability of Single-item Questions about Physical Activity
- Limited association between a catechol-O-methyltransferase (CONT) polymorphism and breast cancer risk in Japan
- Life-Style Related Factors and Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy : A Case-Control Study Using Pooled Controls
- Impact of Cytogenetics on Outcome of Stem Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia in First Remission : A Large-Scale Retrospective Analysis of Data from the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
- Relationship between dietary habits and urinary concentrations of 3-phenoxybonzoic acid in a middle-aged and elderly general population in Japan
- Genotype Frequencies of 50 Polymorphisms for 241 Japanese Non-cancer Patients
- Low Expression Myeloperoxidase Genotype Negatively Associated with Helicobacter pylori Infection
- Association between dioxin concentrations in breast milk and food group intake in Vietnam
- A GIS study of dioxin contamination in a Vietnamese region sprayed with herbicide
- Effects of maternal dioxin exposure on newborn size at birth among Japanese mother-infant pairs
- Trend of congenital anomalies over 20 years ascertained by population-based monitoring in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
- Burnout and Related Factors among Hospital Nurses
- A Validation Study on Food Composition Tables for the International Cooperative INTERMAP Study in Japan
- Association of polymorphisms in the beta-2 and beta-3 adrenoceptor genes with risk of colorectal cancer in Japanese
- Polymerase Chain Reaction with Confronting Two-pair Primers for Polymorphism Genotyping
- FRS-103 Five-year Survival Rates and Prognostic Factors of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Japan : Results from a Nationwide Study(Frontier of Cardiomyopathy Research-2 (M) FRS21,Featured Research Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Me
- FRS-101 Five-year Survival Rates and Prognostic Factors of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Japan: Results from a Nationwide Study(Frontier of Cardiomyopathy Research-2 (M) FRS21,Featured Research Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting
- L-myc Genotype is Associated with Different Susceptibility to Lung Cancer in Smokers
- Association of serum carotenoids, retinol, and tocopherols with radiographic knee osteoarthritis : possible risk factors in rural Japanese inhabitants
- Association of serum NO_x level with clustering of metabolic syndrome components in middle-aged and elderly general populations in Japan
- Association of CYP2A6 Gene Deletion with Cigarette Smoking Status in Japanese Adults
- Serial Morphologic Observation of Bone Marrow in Aplastic Anemia in Children
- The Influence of Work Characteristics on Body Mass Index and Waist to Hip Ratio in Japanese Employees
- Interleukin 1 polymorphisms, Lifestyle Factors, and Helicobacter pylori Infection
- Significant association of RUNX3 T/A polymorphism at intron 3 (rs760805) with the risk of gastric atrophy in Helicobacter pylori seropositive Japanese
- The Relationship between New Stroke Onset and Serum Thiocyanate as an Indicator to Cigarette Smoking
- Serum Thiocyanate Concentration as an Indicator of Smoking in Relation to Deaths from Cancer
- A Limited Association of OGG1 Ser326Cys Polymorphism for Adenocarcinoma of the Lung
- Smoking Habit and Interleukin 1B C-31T Polymorphism
- Possible Risk Reduction in Esophageal Cancer Associated with MPO -463 A allele
- Methodological Issues for a Large-Scale Intervention Trial of Lifestyle Modification : Interim Assessment of the High-Risk and Population Strategy for Occupational Health Promotion (HIPOP-OHP) Study(Special Issue)
- Association between Smoking Habits and Dopamine Receptor D2 Taql A A2 Allele in Japanese Males : a Confirmatory Study
- Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) Genotype Affects Rectal Cancer Susceptibility Due to Alcohol Consumption
- HLA-A Alleles and the Risk of Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Japanese Women
- Genotype Frequencies of 50 Polymorphisms for 241 Japanese Non-cancer Patients
- Association Between Dietary Pattern and Serum C-Reactive Protein in Japanese Men and Women
- No association between the frequency of forest walking and blood pressure levels or the prevalence of hypertension in a cross-sectional study of a Japanese population
- Effects of Fatigue on Immune Function in Nurses Performing Shift Work
- Optimal cutoff values of waist circumference and the discriminatory performance of other anthropometric indices to detect the clustering of cardiovascular risk factors for metabolic syndrome in Japanese men and women
- Profile of Participants and Genotype Distributions of 108 Polymorphisms in a Cross-Sectional Study of Associations of Genotypes With Lifestyle and Clinical Factors : A Project in the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study
- Association between insulin-like growth factor-1 polymorphisms and stomach cancer risk in a Japanese population
- Association between CYP19A1 polymorphisms and sex hormones in postmenopausal Japanese women