Ohno Y | Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
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- Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Graduaの論文著者
Ohno Y
Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
Ohno Yoshiyuki
名古屋大学 医学系研究科予防医学
Obata Yuki
愛知医科大学 公衆衛生学
Obata Yuki
Department Of Public Health Aichi Medical University School Of Medicine
Department of Preventive Medicine/Biostatistics and Medical Decision Making, Nagoya University Gradu
OHNO Yoshiyuki
Department of Preventive Medicine/Biostatistics and Medical Decision Making, Nagoya University Gradu
Tamakoshi Akiko
Department Of Health Science Shiga University Of Medical Science
Wakai K
Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Lin Y
Department Of Public Health-health Information Dynamics Field Of Social Life Science Nagoya Universi
- Serum Pepsinogen Values and Helicobacter pylori Status among Control Subjects of a Nested Case-Control Study in the JACC study
- Colorectal Cancer and Serum C-reactive Protein Levels : a Case-control Study Nested in the JACC Study
- Lung Cancer Mortality and Serum Levels of Carotenoids, Retinol, Tocopherols, and Folic Acid in Men and Women : a Case-Control Study Nested in the JACC Study
- Updated Information on Risk Factors for Lung Cancer : Findings from the JACC Study
- Epidemiologic and Clinical Characteristics of Cardiomyopathies in Japan : Results From Nationwide Surveys
- Dietary Habits and Risk of Lung Cancer Death in a Large-scale Cohort Study (JACC Study) in Japan by Sex and Smoking Habit
- Decrease in Risk of Lung Cancer Death in Males after Smoking Cessation by Age at Quitting : Findings from the JACC Study
- Serum carotenoids and mortality from lung cancer : a case-control study nested in the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study
- The Relationship between Smoking Habits and Serum Levels of 8-OHdG, Oxidized LDL Antibodies, Mn-SOD and Carotenoids in Rural Japanese Residents
- Depressive Mood and Suicide Among Middle-Aged Workers : Findings from a Prospective Cohort Study in Nagoya, Japan