Tea Consumption and Lung Cancer Risk : A Case-Control Study in Okinawa, Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-11-30
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Department of Preventive Medicine/Biostatistics and Medical Decision Making, Nagoya University Gradu
Wakai K
Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
Tamakoshi Akiko
Department Of Health Science Shiga University Of Medical Science
OHNO Yoshiyuki
Department of Preventive Medicine/Biostatistics and Medical Decision Making, Nagoya University Gradu
Ohno Yoshiyuki
名古屋大学 医学系研究科予防医学
GENKA Keiichiro
National Okinawa Hospital
Okinawa Prefecture Mental Health Care Center
Department of Preventive Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Department of Preventive Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
SENDA Masayo
Department of Preventive Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Division of Pathology, Institute of Pulmonary Cancer Research, Chiba University School of Medicine
NAGAO Keiichi
Health Science Center, Chiba University
Chiba Cancer Center
AOKI Kunio
Aichi Cancer Center
Kato Tomoko
国立循環器病研究センター 心臓血管内科部門
Aoki Kunio
Department Of Health And Environmental Sciences Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Aoki Rie
Department Of Preventive Medicine Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Senda Masayo
Department Of Preventive Medicine Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Kawamura T
Kyoto University Health Service
Nagao Keiichi
Health Science Center Chiba University
Tamakoshi Akiko
Department Of Clinical Trials National Center For Geriatrics And Gerontology
Aoki Kunio
Program In Radiological And Medical Laboratory Sciences Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicin
Ohno Yoshiyuki
Department Of Pharmacy The University Of Tokyo Hospital Faculty Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Aoki Rie
Department Of Chemistry College Of Humanities And Sciences Nihon University
Kimura Asami
Dep. Of Public Health School Of Health Sciences Fujita Health Univ.
Takeda Kazunori
Department Of Preventive Medicine And Community Health School Of Medicine University Of Occupational
Wakai Kenji
Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
Ohno Yoshiyuki
Department Of Pharmacy Kinjogakuin University
Kawamura Takashi
Department Of Biotechnology School Of Engineering Nagoya University
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- Preface
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