Antimutagenicity of the Purple Pigment, Hordeumin, from Uncooked Barley Bran-Fermented Broth
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The novel purple pigment hordeumin, an anthocyanin-tannin pigment, was produced from barley branfermented broth. The mutagenicity or antimutagenicity of hordeumin was investigated according to the Ames method, an indication of the safety of food, using Salmonella typhimurium TA98. Despite the presence of S-9 mix, hordeumin was not mutagenic. On the other hand, hordeumin effectively decreased a reverse mutation from Trp-P-1,Trp-P-2,IQ, and B [a] P. Furthermore, hordeumin also decreased the reverse mutation from dimethyl sulfoxide extracts of grilled beef.
- 2000-02-23
Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Ariake National Collage of Technology
Yoshimoto Makoto
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Yamaguchi University
Ohba R
Department Of Applied Microbial Technology Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto Institute Of Technology
Ohba Riichiro
Department Of Applied Microbial Technology Faculty Of Biotechnology And Life Science Sojo University
Ueda S
Department Of Applied Microbial Technology Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto Institute Of Technology
Ueda Seinosuke
Department Of Applied Microbial Technology Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto Institute Of Technology
Yoshimoto Makoto
Department Of Upland Farming Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station
Ueda Seinosuke
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Deguchi Tomoaki
Department Of Applied Microbial Technology Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto Institute Of Technology
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