Second-Order Raman Scattering from Lithium Halide Single Crystals
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The temperature dependence and the polarizatic>n character of the second-orderRaman spectra have been studied in Lil single crystals. The prirxcipal phonon energiesof acoustic and optic modes at critical points in the Brillouin zone are determinedwith a help of calculated phonon dispersion curves. The second-order Raman spectraat 290 K in Liar, LiCl and Lit crystals are also observed and analyzed. A characteris-tic feature of lattice dynamics in lithium halides is discussed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1990-02-15
Nagata S
Muroran Inst. Technol. Hokkaido
Departments of Oral Surgery, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo
Nagata S
Muroran Inst. Technology Muroran
Nagata S
Kumakoto Univ. Kumamoto Jpn
Okada T
Osaka Univ. Osaka
Okada T
Niigata College Of Technology
Okada T
Niigata Technical Junior College
Nagata Shoichi
Department Of Applied Material Science Muroran Institute Of Technology
Nishimura H
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Kyoto University of Education
Komatsu Tokutaro
Graduate School Of Arts & Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Komatsu Tokutaro
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Nishimura Hitoshi
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka City University
Okada Tatsuya
Niigata College Of Technology
Nagata Shunji
Department Of Physics Osaka Kyoiku University
Nishimura H
Kasugai Branch Of The Gaseous Electronics Institute
Komatsu T
Osaka Univ. Osaka
Komatsu Teruo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Osaka City University
OKADA Takeyuki
Physics Division,Faculty of Technology,Setsunan University
KOIKE Kazuyoshi
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Osaka City University
Okada Takeyuki
Physics Division Faculty Of Technology Setsunan University
Koike Kazuyoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Hashimoto S
Osaka Women's Univ. Osaka
Nishimura Hitoshi
Department Of Analytical And Bioinorganic Chemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Nishimura Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Nishimura Hitoshi
Kasugai Branch of the Gaseous Electronics Institute
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