Optimum Design of Detection Coil System for Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1987-01-20
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology
NAGATA Shoichi
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Nagoya University
Ebisu Shuji
Department Of Applied Materials Science Muroran Institute Of Technology
Ebisu Shuji
Muroran Inst. Technol. Hokkaido Jpn
Nagata S
Muroran Inst. Technol. Hokkaido
Nagata S
Muroran Inst. Technology Muroran
Nagata S
Kumakoto Univ. Kumamoto Jpn
Nagata Shoichi
Department Of Applied Material Science Muroran Institute Of Technology
Fujita Eiji
Department of Gastroenterology and Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University
Taniguchi Satoshi
General Education Muroran Institute of Technology
Taniguchi Satoshi
Department Of Physics Division Of Material Science Nagoya University:crest Japan Science And Technol
Fujita Eiji
Department Of Applied Materials Science Muroran Institute Of Technology
Taniguchi S
Department Of Applied Materials Science Muroran Institute Of Technology
Taniguchi Satoshi
Department Of Anesthesiology Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
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- Spin Structure of S=1/2 Quantum Spin System CaV_3O_7
- Successive Magnetic Phase Transitions in α-Tb_2S_3 Studied by Neutron Diffraction Technique(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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- Transport, Magnetic and Thermal Properties of La_3Ni_2O_
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- Spin Gap Behavior of S=1/2 Quasi-Two-Dimensional System CaV_4O_9
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- Optimum Design of Detection Coil System for Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
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- In-Situ Low-Temperature Transmission Electron Microscopy of the Structural Phase Transitions in a Thiospinel CuIr2S4 Compound
- Phase Transition of a Frustrated Magnet α-Gd_2S_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)