- 論文の詳細を見る
There is considerable discussion in relation to the lack of physical effort in usual life in modern society and the harmful effects of this on health or fitness. However, the optimal load for successful living in modern society or in future ages is not clear now. It is theoretically true that the human body has adapted itself to the circumstances of the natural way of living such as those of hunters and gatherers. Man has not yet adapted himself biologically or genetically for the sedentary modern life which was created quite recently after the industrial revolution. According to the results of morphological studies of man's foot, it is said that the foot has adapted itself to the habit of walking for a fairly long period of time. However, most of persons in industrial nations have lost the walking habit for a fairly long period of time. Therefore on the hypothesis that the walking for a fairly long period of time is a main physical activity of man during the process of human evolution before the industrial revolution, walking speed, walking time, walking posture and so on of adults groups in usual life were measured in Kathmandu City (Nepal), Fukuoka City and Kurume City (Japan) as a basic research for determing a optimal load for successful living in modern society or in future ages. Nepalese group had the walking habit for a fairly longer period of time. Though mean time of Japanese groups ranged within 20-30 minutes per day, most of Nepalese subjects walked 2-4 hours to go to and back school or office. In the case of Nepalese group, mean walking speed were 90.3m/min in the morning and 88.2m/min in the evening. Mean walking speed of Japanese groups ranged within 86.8-88.5 m/min in the morning and 81.0-82.0 m/min in the evening. According to the results of morphological study, mean body height of Nepalese adult males was about 10 cm lower than that of Japanese adult males. However, Nepalese group showed wider strides and less pitches than Japanese groups. Most of Japanese subjects had the head down-walking posture, but most of Nepalese subjects had the uplifted walking posture. As for the main reason for Nepalese subjects showed faster speed and wider strides of walking than Japanese subjects, it may be considered the difference of walking posture and fitness in these groups. The fitness is not always clear now, however, it may be considered that the fitness is affected deeply by the walking habit for a fairly long period of time. Some Nepalese groups such as Newar Tribe in Thimi Village and Tomang Tribe in Shivapuri Village had the habit of long walking with heavy load. Mean load weight of each groups were ranged 80-108% of their mean body weight and their walkng time with heavy leavy load per day were 1-3 hours. According to the results of ethnographic studies in Japan, it is estimated that some Japanese groups, before the industrial revoluton, had almostly the same portage capacity to these Nepalse groups. However, there is few information now to do the fruitful discussion to the health scientific meanings of the portage capacity.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1980-03-30
安永 誠
今野 道勝
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
今野 道勝
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
千綿 俊機
Fukuoka Instiute of Technology
千綿 俊機
安永 誠
安永 誠
Department of Health and Physical Education, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
今野 道勝
大坂 哲郎
Department of Health and Physical Education, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
千綿 俊機
Department of Health and Physical Education, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
吉水 浩
Department of Health and Physical Education, Kurume University
増田 卓二
Department of Health and Physical Education, Kurume University
吉水 浩
Kurume Univ. Kurume Jpn
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- ネパール高地人のMaximal Aerobic Power
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- 27.長時間歩行の生体負担度について : 運動生理学的研究I : 第40回日本体力医学会大会
- 50. 学生の体型・体力・性格からみた体育・スポーツに対する態度とその活動
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- 主婦を対象とした健康づくり教室の形態, 体力および血清脂質に及ぼす影響
- 簡単な長時間記録用データレコーダの試作
- 54. Step Test におけるノモグラム作成のための基礎的研究
- 2. 発育段階からみた児童の身体作業能力について
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