<原著>運動, 栄養, 身体組成と血中脂質
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A comparative study of physical activity (maximal aerobic power), nutritional condition, body composition and serum lipids was carried out on 92 adult males, 20-49 years of age, as a basic study for determing the optimal living conditions in modern society or in future ages. Subjects have a wide range of occupational physical activity, however, most of them do not participate the very heavy physical works such as competitive sports etc. Measurement of maximal aerobic power (MAP) was made indirectly by the method of Margaria et al.. Subjects except 10 persons who were prohibited the exercise were given two different intensity step up and down exercises, and MAP was calculated from heart rates immediately after exercises and individual's estimated maximal heart rate. %Fat was estimated from skinfold thickness according to the method of Nagamine. Nutritional observation was conducted by a routine questioning. Checks and counterchecks were done until reliable figures had been obtained. After fasting overnight, blood samples were collected for analyzing serum lipids such as total choresterol, HDL choresterol and triglycerides. A certain relation was not found between total choresterol and MAP or %Fat. However, HDL choresterol and triglycerides were affected profoundly by the physical activity and the body composition. Fit group (mean MAP above 40 ml/kg/min) showed higher HDL choresterol and lower %Fat than unfit group (P<0.05, P<0.01). Obese group, in a relative sense, showed lower HDL choresterol and higher triglycerides than non-obese group (P<0.001, P<0.01). However, relations between %Fat or hyperlipoidemia and caloric intake per total body weight or per lean body mass were not clear. H group (HDL below 40 mg/dl) and HT group (HDL below 40 mg/dl & TG above 150 mg/dl) were more inactive and more fatty than control group (P<0.01). However, caloric intake of control group was higher than that of H group and HT group (P<0.05. P<0.05). Moreover, control group had higher intake of protein, lipid and non-fiborous carbohydrate than those of H group and HT group. It seems that active life is the most important factor to prevent the obese or hyperlipoidemia and that moderate exercises of long duration are desirable In modern society.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1981-03-30
伊規須 英輝
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
武谷 溶
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
今野 道勝
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
若菜 智香子
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
今野 道勝
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
若菜 智香子
Kyushu Central Hospital
武谷 溶
Kyushu Central Hospital
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