- 論文の詳細を見る
Measurement of maximal aerobic power (MAP), food intake and fatty mass (%Fat) were carried out on 104 males aged 20-49 years living in suburban, rural and mountainous districts as a basic research for determing successful living conditions in modern society or in future ages. Measurement of MAP was made indirectly following the method of Margaria et al. Each subject screened medically was given two different intensities of step up and down exercises, and MAP was calculated from heart rates immediately after exercises and the individual's 'estimated maximal heart rate. Observation of food intake was conducted by a routine qusetioning, however, checks and counterchecks were made by personal interview until reliable figures had satisfactrily been obtained. %Fat was estimated from skinfold thickness according to the method of Nagamine. No age differences were found in MAP and %Fat. Significant negative correlations were found between %Fat and caloric intake per kilogram of body weight per day (P<0.01) and between %Fat and MAP per kilogram of body weight per minute (P< 0.01). A weak negative correlation was found between %Fat and caloric intake per kilogram of lean body mass per day. A significant positive correlation was found between MAP per kilogram of body weight per minute and caloric intake per kilogram of body weight per day (P<0.05). Therefore, it is said clearly that physical inactivity rather than excessive caloric intake is associated with the development and maintenance of obesity. Caloric intake and each nutrient intake of UO (Unfit Obese. MAP below 40ml/kg/ min & %Fat above 15%) group and UN (Unfit Non-obese. MAP below 40 ml/kg/min & %Fat below 15%) group were less than those of FN (Fit Non-obese. MAP above 40 ml/kg/min & %Fat below 15%) group, respectively, and differences of those intakes between UO group and UN group were not significant. Mean calcium intake of UO group and UN group were less than the recommended allowance value of 10 mg/kg/ day. Both of MAP per kilogram of body weight per minute and per kilogram of lean body mass per minute of FN group were higher than those of UO group and UN group (P<0.01, respectively). However, differences of mean MAP were not found significantly between UO group and UN group. It is considered that physical inactivity is not always associated with obesity, however, it is said from the health scientific point of view that fit non-obese man is more desirable than unfit non-obese one.
- 日本体力医学会の論文
- 1981-10-01
安永 誠
今野 道勝
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
今野 道勝
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
増田 卓二
千綿 俊機
Fukuoka Instiute of Technology
千綿 俊機
千綿 俊機
安永 誠
若菜 智香子
Kyushu Central Hospital
若菜 智香子
今野 道勝
大坂 哲郎
増田 卓二
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- 学生の体格・体力・性格の相互関係
- 運動, 栄養, 身体組成と血中脂質
- 9.日本人とネパール人の血圧について : 適応と訓練効果に関する研究 : 第36回日本体力医学会大会
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- 168.異なる負荷条件下における水中歩行中の呼吸循環応答
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