Experimental Study of Uniaxial Stress Effects on Coulomb-limited Electron and Hole Mobility in Si-MOSFETs
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- 2007-09-19
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corporation
Saitoh Masumi
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R&d Center Toshiba Corporation
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Toshiba Corporation
Nakabayashi Yukio
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Corporate R&d Center Toshiba Corporation
Kobayashi Shigeki
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Toshiba Corporation
Uchida Ken
Advanced Lsi Technology Laboratory Toshiba Corporation
Uchida Ken
Advanced LSI laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation, 1 Komukai Toshiba-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki 212-8582, Japan
Saitoh Masumi
Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation
- Stress and Surface Orientation Engineering in Scaled CMOSFETs Considering High-Field Carrier Transport(Session 4A : Channel Engineering)
- Stress and Surface Orientation Engineering in Scaled CMOSFETs Considering High-Field Carrier Transport(Session 4A : Channel Engineering)
- Influence of High Dielectric Constant in Gate Insulator on Remote Coulomb Scattering due to Gate Impurities in Si MOS Inversion Layer
- Physical Origins of Surface Carrier Density Dependences of Interface- and Remote-Coulomb Scattering Mobility in Si MOS Inversion Layer
- Unified Roughness Scattering Model Incorporating Scattering Component Induced by Thickness Fluctuation in SOI MOSFETs
- Analytical Single-Electron Transistor(SET)Model for Design and Analysis of Realistic SET Circuits
- Random Number Generator with 0.3MHz Generation Rate using Non-Stoichiometric Si_xN MOSFET
- Non-Volatile Doubly Stacked Si Dot Memory with Si Nano-Crystalline Layer
- Very Sharp Room-Temperature Negative Differential Conductance in Silicon Single-Hole Transistor with High Voltage Gain
- Temperature Dependence of Off-Current in Bulk and FD SOI MOSFETs
- Novel Si Quantum Memory Structure with Self-Aligned Stacked Nanocrystalline Dots
- Influence of Channel Depletion on the Carrier Charging Characteristics in Si Nanocrystal Floating Gate Memory
- Experimental Analysis of Carrier Charging Characteristics in Si Nanocrystal Floating Gate Memory
- Experimental Study of Uniaxial Stress Effects on Coulomb-limited Electron and Hole Mobility in Si-MOSFETs
- SET/CMOS Hybrid for Future Low-Power LSI : Experimental Demonstration, Power Estimation, and Strategy for Its Reduction
- Low Gate-Induced Drain Leakage and Its Physical Origins in Si Nanowire Transistors
- A New Design Scheme for Logic Circuits with Single Electron Transistors
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Sub-0.1μm Devices with Schottky Contact Model (Special lssue on SISPAD'99)
- Experimental Evaluation of Coulomb-Scattering-Limited Inversion-Layer Mobility of n-type Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors on Si(100), (110), and (111)-Surfaces: Impact of Correlation between Conductivity Mass and Normal Mass
- Nanowire-Width and Dopant-Species Dependences of Carrier Transport Characteristics of Schottky Barrier Source/Drain Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors (Special Issue : Solid State Devices and Materials (2))
- Enhanced Degradation by Negative Bias Temperature Stress in Si Nanowire Transistor
- The Effect of Side Traps on Ballistic Transistor in Kondo Regime
- Unified Roughness Scattering Model Incorporating Scattering Component Induced by Thickness Fluctuations in Silicon-on-Insulator Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Hall Factor in Ultrathin-Body Silicon-on-Insulator n-Type Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Non-Stoichiometric SixN Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor for Compact Random Number Generator with 0.3 Mbit/s Generation Rate