Response of Large Nb-Based Tunnel Junction to X-Rays
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Atomic Energy Society of Japanの論文
- 1997-10-25
Department of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University
石橋 健二
Katagiri M
Japan Atomic Energy Res. Inst. Ibaraki Jpn
Electrotechical Laboratory (ETL)
AKOH Hiroshi
Electrotechical Laboratory (ETL)
Takada S
Saitama University Faculty Of Engineering
Takada Susumu
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Takada S
Saitama Univ. Urawa‐shi Jpn
UKIBE Masahiro
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Development of Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University
YOSHIDA Shin-ichi
Development of Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University
Development of Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University
Electrotechnical Laboratory
UKIBE Masahiro
Devpartment of Quantum Engineering and Systems, University of Tokyo
Kyushu University
Maehata K
Department Of Applied Quantum Physics And Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University
Keisuke Maehata
Kyushu University
Yoshida Shin-ichi
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University
Akoh H
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology
Kishimoto Maki
Advanced Science Research Center Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Nakagawa Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Materials Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Nakagawa H
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
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