Proposal of a Digital Double Relaxation Oscillation SQUID(Special Issue on Superconductive Electronics)
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We present a digital double relaxation oscillation SQUID (DROS) with a digital flux-locked-loop (FLL) circuit consisting of an up/down counter and a digital-to-analog (D/A) coverter. The up/down counter was designed using 4 jucntion logic (4JL) gates operated with a 2-phase power system. The D/A converter was designed using an R-2R ladder-type D/A converter. We simulated the dynamic behavior of the digital DROS with a digital FLL circuit combined with the 5-bit ripple up/down counter and the D/A converter. Simulation results show correct flux-locked behavior and a high slew rate of 10^7Φ_0/s for the digital DROS.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2001-01-01
明連 広昭
明連 広昭
飯塚 剛
Takada S
Saitama University Faculty Of Engineering
Takada S
Saitama Univ. Urawa‐shi Jpn
Iizuka Tomoya
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Inoue T
Kyokugen Osaka University:crest Japan Science Technology Corporation (jst)
MYOREN Hiroaki
The authors are with the Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
NAKAMURA Mitsunori
The authors are with the Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
IIZUKA Takeshi
The authors are with the Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
The authors are with the Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
Nakamura Mitsunori
The Authors Are With The Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
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